Friday, May 09, 2008

Obama being attacked with lies on the Internet

So what else is new? One would hope the people would be smarter than to swallow these lies. But, honestly, look at how many they swallowed whenever Bush and Cheney spoon-fed them neocon propaganda. Look at how many bought the "we are patriots" B.S. and are still waving their flags even though it's been proven many times over that the Iraq war was started on neocon lies. Look at how many believed the Bush/Rove-initiated lies about McCain in the S. Carolina primary in the 2000 selection. They started rumors that McCain had fathered a black child when he and his wife had actually adopted a little orphan from Bangladesh. They also put the word out that McCain was mentally unbalanced from his years spent in a Vietnam prison. South Carolinians bought it--and just look at the disastrous duo they helped put into the White House as a result. So I don't have the same confidence that Obama has in the following story when he says, "People are smarter than folks give them credit for."

Plus, I've already had some of these obvious lies sent to me by Republicans who should have known better--but didn't...and probably still don't. Just as they bought the swiftboat lies against Kerry in 2004, they've bought the Machiavellian propaganda being put out against Obama by the neocon-types this time around, too -- and they're going to stick with it. Some never seem to learn, especially when they are undiscriminating enough to believe whatever Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter, and FAUX News are sending out to the dittoheads on any given day. (Imagine being proud to call yourself a "dittohead" and following an arrogant loudmouth liar who has labeled you as that! Look around the country at how many listen to Rush Limbaugh daily, giving him the highest ratings on radio. Then tell me, do you think people are smarter than they are given credit for?)

If you want truth and you're interested to know which lies are being spread about Obama by frightened Republicans who fear having a president who is half African-American, go to the McClatchy news story at:

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Anonymous said...

If you want the truth, this is an uninterrupted 51-second video of Obama speaking; he's telling us exactly what he will do to the it before this too is removed off the web site.

This is absolutely shocking & reprehensible. He plans to unilaterally disarm our nation. The question is... for what? And more specifically, for whom ?!!!!!!!!

starwisdom said...

WARNING TO THOSE WHO READ THIS SITE: Some reader/commenters are rabid right-wingers who voted for Bush & Cheney and believe all they are told by Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter, and the like. The above comment is an example of this kind. Most readers of this blog will recognize right-wing swiftboating propaganda for what it is: fear tactics against the Democratic candidate. Republicans are paranoid this year that Dems will win back the White House, and FEAR tactics are their greatest weapon. Unfortunately, as we have seen in the past, their FEAR stories are not usually wedded to TRUTH. Karl Rove has taught them his philosophy well: real facts have nothing to do with your attacks on your political foes--just keep telling giant lies often enough and long enough, and some people will always believe them.

I trust that most readers of this blog are discerning enough to recognize right-wing B.S. when they see it.

Thanks for reading my blog!

Anonymous said...

I gave you an unintruppted 51 sec. video of Obama speaking about what he intended to do and you call it right wing propaganda and B.S.?

How can Obama's own words fit that catagory, unless he is the one that is spouting the propaganda and B.S.?

Anonymous said...

Watch the real video below, not the one where someone purposely cut the entire speech:

Obama's campaign put that up back in November, before he secured his spot as the Democratic presidential candidate. See, there's absolutely NOTHING wrong with what he's saying. The "right-wingers" are trying to make it seem as if what he's saying is "bad", but in reality it isn't. Senator Obama is only outlining his commitment to implementing sensible priorities as president - that's all that video is. The "right-wingers" are truly sick and crazy with how they make up lie after lie after lie. All they want to do is scare the American people into keeping them in power. It's DISGUSTING!

Listen, you don't stop proliferation by adding to the world's arsenal. As it is, the US spends 48% of the world's total military budget. Yes, that's right, nearly half of all military in the world's budget is spent by the US, yet we make up only 5% of the world's population. We spend way too much on military, period. Furthermore, we spend 43% of our national budget on military related expenditures, and this is in an era when traditional military threats have been reduced. A nuclear bomb can't stop a hijacked plane and a WMD can't stop a car bomb.

At the very end of the video, Senator Obama clearly explains:

"As President, my soul priority for defense spending will be protecting the American people!"

Vote Issues, Not Gender! said...

There is so much information floating around the Internet, that I thought it might be a good idea to put it all in one place, so I created a blog of compiled news stories and videos about McCain and Palin. I understand there is a huge polarization against whatever party a person might be for, and I might not reach the people who really need to see this, but it is my hope that it will help the people who want to know more about McCain and Palin see the truth behind their actions, lies and distortions.

Please check it out at:

Feel free to pass it on!