Am glad McClellan is finally telling the truth -- too bad it took him so long. He could have quit his job and told all of this back when it might have made a real difference, forcing the cowardly Congressional Democrats and foolishly loyal Republicans to impeach the Idiot and the Dark Lord who managed him. Instead of making fun of Helen Thomas, the one true journalist who always asked the right questions and persisted in trying to get the truth out, he could have said, "You're right, Helen!" Instead, she was relegated to a seat in the back of the room, behind the potted palms.
If ever a reputation was in tatters, this is it for the Bushes. The Bush name for all time is spattered with mud. Jeb Bush couldn't get elected as a dog catcher at this point, and all the plans his family had for him--their golden boy--have been ruined by the one they always knew was their black sheep. Too bad those who voted for Bush had blinders on. Bush and all those connected with him (Cheney, Rice, Rumsfeld, Rove, Libby, and the rest of the dirty dozen) are now being revealed by one of their own for what they truly are--self-serving, greedy, power-mad, conscienceless liars.
It was apparent from the beginning to anyone who studied Bush and his character that he would be the very worst kind of president. We were warned by prescient authors who practically pleaded "Don't vote for this idiot!", yet millions did -- and even did it TWICE. God help us all now. Bush/Cheney have brought our country to its knees, and I'm not sure anyone will be able to bring it back to a standing position again. One thing I am sure of, though: McCain will carry on the same policies and dig us even deeper into the hole Bush/Cheney have put us in. There is NO DOUBT about that! Yet, even in the knowledge of that, I also know there are millions who will vote for McSame. Some never seem to learn their lesson.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
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» McClellan's book: Bush administration truth from one of their own insiders
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