Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Astrological insights into Obama's birth chart

I've been looking at Obama's birth chart and taking heart from the Sabian symbols for some important placements. The Sabian symbols are a kind of American I Ching derived in 1925 through psychic divination by a clairvoyant woman named Elsie Wheeler, and, used by astrologers, they are known to give deeply significant meanings to the 360 degrees of the Zodiac. They've been further interpreted by Marc Jones and Dane Rudhyar, astrologers who saw the potential in chart interpretation with these symbols. Elsie Wheeler was given 360 cards, one by one, with each degree of the Zodiac printed on them. She put each one up to her forehead, and immediately had a vision/picture come into her mind. She told what she saw, and it was written down. Later, more expansive interpretations were given to the pictures she saw.

As I look at his chart, I think Obama has the potential to be a great president, if he can break free of the ruler-types who will try to control and manipulate him into doing their bidding. The Sabian symbols are very convincing that he is the right man for our time.

He has a grand trine of Venus (Cancer/5th house) trine Neptune (Scorpio/9th house) trine Chiron (Pisces /1st house).
Venus trine Neptune is a spiritual blessing, representing inner qualities of real worth that attracts others to help and support the person. It's said by intuitive astrologers to represent sacrifice and loving service given in past lives, which earns the person the reward in this lifetime of a deep love union with a partner who will be supportive. He seems to have this in Michelle. Unconditional love is the higher aspect of a Neptune/Venus trine--and gives a charisma that uplifts and inspires others. Obama seems also to have this quality in abundance.

Chiron is a small planetoid, positioned between Saturn and Uranus, discovered in 1977. It's a planet of initiation that helps us to pay attention to our continual transformation, our mystical feelings, and our emotional clearances. It rules healing of all kinds--and, believe it or not, it is known as a "maverick" (a real one, not a fake like McCain). It represents mediation between a traditional viewpoint steeped in ideas of the past, and an unconventional viewpoint looking towards the future. It's a bridge between Saturn, the establishment, and Uranus, the revolutionary. Chiron is midway between--not belonging to the establishment but not desiring to destroy it, either. It's the "how-to" planet for accessing subtle energies, and now, more than ever before, evolved people on earth are being made aware of these subtle but powerfully transforming energies. Chiron is also the bridging planet between life and death. It's interesting to note that, synchronous with the discovery of Chiron, near-death experiences began to be taken seriously and researched.

Chiron is important because it describes the nature of wounds that one has received in the early stages of life and of major influences on us. It describes what connects us with our inner suffering and provides us with a route through that suffering to healing. Through understanding, we achieve our own healing and come to realize how we can best help others, so it is often called the planet of "the wounded healer." The trines from Venus and Neptune to Obama's Chiron give him a real understanding of other's pains and problems. As a black person in a white world, he has had to walk a tough path himself and can empathize with the difficult problems of society as a whole. Instead of becoming hardened and closed down as McCain has, Obama's suffering has expanded his consciousness and made him want to help others.

I decided to look at the Sabian symbols for his ascendant and each of the planets in that grand trine. I felt there might be a message there about his character and true intent. Look at what I found -- and judge for yourself. I think he's a man made for this time and place -- much as Lincoln was for his time. I have felt all along that there might be a connection between Lincoln and Obama -- especially with the geographical ties that are already established. Both of them announcing their candidacy on the steps of Springfield, Illinois, Lincoln an Aquarian and Obama with an Aquarian ascendant (mirrors of each other), and both of them coming forth in times of greatest crisis in the country. Anyway, here's the information I gathered -- if fairness and sanity prevails, I believe this man should be our next president. See what you think:

Obama's ascendant is at 19 degrees of Aquarius. Given what our country is going through now, I think you will see the aptness of the symbol for this! The Sabian Symbol is: A FOREST FIRE IS BEING SUBDUED BY THE USE OF WATER, CHEMICALS, AND SHEER MUSCULAR ENERGY. The explanation given in the Sabian symbols book is: The skill and courage necessary to bring under control the destructive potential of carelessness of karmic "visitations." It goes on to say: Forest fires may be caused by human carelessness, by lightning or by the by-products of modern technology. Every individual --at least once in his lifetime, if not repeatedly--may perhaps have to face spectacular reactions to seemingly insignificant acts. These are to be considered means to test his strength, ingenuity, or emotional stability. Every faculty at his disposal must be made use of--emotional, mental, physical. He needs faith in himself and in superior Powers. The further explanation is: At this point we are shown man in action in a crucial and potentially devastating situation. There is need for a total mobilization of energy and a deep sense of INDOMITABILITY.

His Venus is at 2 degrees of Cancer -- the Sabian Symbol for that is: A MAN ON A MAGIC CARPET HOVERS OVER A LARGE AREA OF LAND. The Keynote says: The ability to expand one's consciousness by stabilizing one's point of view at a higher level. At this point the individual becomes the whole, focused for a particular task or function. He can reflect the consciousness of the greater Whole, Humanity. One now has the capacity to envision life from a wider perspective, thanks to which many lives are seen to converge upon the raised consciousness. At this stage, one gains ELEVATION in a higher dimension of consciousness.

His Neptune is at 9 degrees of Scorpio, the symbol for which is: A DENTIST AT WORK. It explains: In order to properly evaluate and interpret this symbol, we should realize the meaning of the teeth. Permanent teeth appear normally at age 7 when the personalized individuality of the child--the ego--takes full control of the physical organism. The teeth are used to tear down food so it can be digested and assimilated. Social living and cultural patterns impose upon us certain habits of eating, arouse desires for unwholesome or denatured food, force us perhaps to eat in tense circumstances and hurriedly. This results in tooth decay far more frequently than should be inevitable through aging. The symbol therefore shows how society and civilization, which may indirectly cause decay, then have to invent means to skillfully repair the damage. Life in society both perverts and repairs, destroys and rebuilds--truly a vicious cycle. Man is compelled by social needs to display INVENTIVENESS.

Finally, his Chiron is at 6 degrees of Pisces. The symbol is: A PARADE OF ARMY OFFICERS IN FULL DRESS. The Keynote: The dedication of human beings to the service of their community, and the assurance that it will be emotionally sustained by the people at large. Explanation: Here we see at work the emotion-rousing appeal of social activities which demand the surrendering by the individual of his personal way of life, his opinions and his comfort. What is implied is the support that the socialized person can expect from the collectivity if he is ready to act and to sacrifice himself for the nation or the group. It represents the exaltation and mass response which he who has achieved self-surrender to a social tradition can expect in return. The keyword is GROUP RESPONSIBILITY.

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