Tuesday, September 09, 2008

WOMEN: TAKE WARNING! Bristol's "Choice"

This is an excellent article: http://www.newsweek.com/id/157909

It explains that Bristol Palin's "choice" to have her baby is no "choice" at all -- but an edict.  And that edict will be imposed against all American women, if McCain and Palin get into the White House.  McCain will appoint more ultra-conservative Supreme Court justices who will, without a doubt, reverse Roe v. Wade. Women will no longer have a choice regarding their own bodies. 

The religious fanatics will have won the power to dictate to women that, even in the case of rape or incest, they will be forced to continue a pregnancy.  This is an outrageous imposition of power gone mad--denying women the right to make their own decisions about their own bodies!  This country can no longer be called the "land of the free" when women are not free to make choices regarding their lives and their bodies.  The imposition of will by those who claim the power to do so, upon women who will be denied the right to choose, will signal the end of freedom. It will seal the fate of our country along with the fate of women.  It is the "Brave New World" warning by Aldous Huxley come true.  "We know what is good for you, and you will do what we say."  Every woman in America should be rising up in support of Obama and Biden.  Our freedom is at stake!

I wonder how men would like this kind of judgment made upon them in regard to their bodies. Well, we all know the answer to that question without even having to ask it, don't we, ladies?
