The following article is quite interesting. I hope
> Mitchell was able to
> pry open their minds just a bit. It always
> amuses/frustrates me to
> realize that some of the most closed-minded people
> are scientists. I
> always thought, as a naive child and young adult,
> that scientists were
> supposed to have open minds, the better to explore
> the mysteries of the
> universe with. That was before I realized the peer
> pressure they are
> under to toe the line and not step out of the bounds
> their colleagues
> have set for themselves. It is the same in medical
> science...and in
> academia. Very few are courageous enough to face
> the baying pack when
> they have discovered something that "doesn't fit"
> with "accepted" science.
> John Mack, a very distinguished and highly respected
> psychiatrist/professor of Harvard, was one of these
> brave men. He
> refused to recant or back down from his findings
> about people who
> claimed to have been abducted by extraterrestrials.
> His research and
> interviews with these people convinced him that they
> were not "crazies"
> or "mentally ill." They were absolutely sane and
> intelligent
> individuals who had had some kind of experience that
> they definitely
> considered to be real. He was open enough to listen
> to them, while
> others had labled them as "nuts" before even hearing
> their stories.
> (Unfortunately, Mack was recently killed in a
> hit-run auto accident
> while attending a conference in Great Britain.)
> The same thing happened with western medical doctors
> who refused to
> believe acupuncture worked---until they witnessed
> for themselves, in
> China with Nixon, all kinds of severe abdominal
> surgeries being
> performed by physicians on patients who had received
> no anesthetic
> except for a few small acupunture needles in their
> ears. They were
> astounded, but had to believe their own eyes. Thus,
> acupuncture came to
> be accepted in the west. Self-experience seems to
> be the only way some
> minds can be opened.
> For those of us who have experienced "mysterious" or
> psychic happenings
> in our own lives, there is no need to convince us of
> the reality of a
> multi-dimensional universe in which many seemingly
> miraculous things are
> possible. For others, trust in others' experience
> plus an open mind are
> needed to explore some of these issues before
> condemning them without
> investigation. A book I highly recommend for
> anyone wanting to learn
> more about the wide, wide universe is "The
> Holographic Universe" by
> Michael Talbot. It can be purchased through
> for only
> $11.20. ($4.99 for a used copy) It is a real treat
> to read and was
> first recommended to me by a medical doctor whose
> horizons had expanded
> from reading the book....and through his own
> experiences (of course) (~.~)
> "New opinions are always suspected, and usually
> opposed, without any
> other reason but because they are not already
> common."
> John Locke, 1690
> An Essay Concerning Human Understanding
> There is a principle which is proof against all
> information, which is
> proof against all arguments, which cannot fail to
> keep a man in
> everlasting ignorance; that principle is contempt,
> prior to investigation.
> Herbert Spencer
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