> I am not renewing my subscription to Newsweek....I
> just sent them the
> following snail-mail message, using their
> postage-paid envelope.
> 5/25/05
> To Whomever It May Concern at Newsweek:
> I do not want to renew my subscription to a magazine
> that bows and
> scrapes before the worst president our country has
> ever suffered under.
> I am thoroughly disgusted with Newsweek for dancing
> to Bush's tune and
> apologizing for telling the truth about American
> soldier/torturers
> flushing pages of prisoners' Korans down the toilet.
> It is simply
> amazing to me that, given the torture of prisoners
> that has been
> proven--even torture unto death--by Americans, that
> anyone would doubt
> the story you received from an "anonymous source,"
> especially since the
> same story has been verified and printed in other
> places by other
> journalists. And, then to blame you, the messenger,
> for increasing
> Muslim hatred against Americans! What hypocrisy!!
> The Bush
> administration and its murderous bullying tactics
> are the reason America
> is hated around the world. It is typical of the
> hypocrites who now
> occupy and own all three branches of our government
> to point to others
> in order to take attention away from their own
> abuses. That Newsweek
> is helping them to do so by your abject apology is
> unconscionable. You
> are contributing to the rise of a fascist regime
> here in
> America--something we all thought would never be
> possible in our country!
> I am ashamed that our fourth estate, upon whom we
> the people of the
> United States have depended to air the truth and
> keep us informed, has
> deserted its post and has laid itself down as a
> doormat for Bush/Cheney
> and Company to wipe their feet on. Newsweek, in its
> embarrassing
> obsequiousness to BushCo, is no longer on my reading
> list. I have
> relegated it to the garbage along with Time, Fox
> News, and most of the
> newspapers in our country today. I now get my news
> from the U.K., where
> I can still trust them to tell the truth. James
> Galloway, in his
> appearance before Norman Coleman's committee, is my
> idea of what our
> journalists should be doing and saying. But,
> pitifully, they have given
> up their once independent voice and have knuckled
> under to the commands
> of their corporate owners, most of whom are bosom
> buddies of BushCo.
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