Thursday, May 12, 2005

Media Disinformation and Money Control

> Excellent article...very true. We are bombarded
> with pabulum pap...I
> don't watch local news or national news on TV
> anymore...except for an
> occasional glance in on Keith Olbermann...but his
> show also includes a
> great deal of pap filler. I've found that the best
> place to get
> important news about what is going on in our country
> is to read UK news
> online. You won't find much of it in our own
> papers, so we have to go
> to the Brits for truth in reporting. We might get
> a little bit from
> the LA Times and NY Times...but not really the whole
> story as the Brits
> give it to us--unvarnished and true. The buddies of
> Bush corporations
> who own our news sources are controlling what we the
> people of the
> United States are allowed to hear. Isn't this
> similar to what happened
> in Germany in the '30s and '40s? Just asking.

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