> ... and are planning for the rest of us. It will
> be interesting to
> see how much of the following occurs as time
> marches on this year and
> next.
> Infiltrating Bilderberg 2005
> The annual secret meeting of the Bilderberg group
> determines many of the
> headlines and news developments you will read about
> in the coming
> months. But the Establishment media completely black
> it out. With the
> exception of half-a-dozen high ranking members of
> the press who are
> sworn to secrecy, few have ever heard of the
> exclusive and secretive
> group called The Bilderbergers.
> Mainstream news organizations boastful about their
> no-holds barred
> investigative exploits, have been strangely
> reluctant to lift the
> blackout curtain hiding a major event: the
> Bilderberg group's secret
> annual meeting for the world's most powerful
> financiers, industrialists,
> and political figures.
> 2005 was a bad year for Bilderberg and its future
> looks gloomy.
> Herculean efforts to keep their meetings secret in
> Rottach-Egern failed
> miserably. Bilderberg's grief is free world´s
> glory-and hope for further
> restraining the power grabbers in the dawn of a new
> millennium.
> One certainty is that although Bilderberg Group has
> lost some of its
> past luster, it is meeting under its usual secrecy
> that makes
> freemasonry look like a playgroup. Staff at the
> hotel are photographed
> and put through special clearance. From porters to
> senior managers, the
> employees are warned (under the threat of never
> working in the country
> again) about the consequences of revealing any
> details of the guests to
> the press.
> International and national media are said to be
> welcome only when an
> oath of silence has been taken, news editors are
> held responsible if any
> of their journalists 'inadvertently' report on what
> takes place.
> While Bush, Blair, Chirac, Berlusconi and Company
> attended the G8
> summits of the world's foremost democratically
> elected leaders, they
> were accompanied by the massed ranks of the world
> media. In stark
> contrast, the comings and goings at Bilderberg take
> place under cover of
> a virtual publicity black-out.
> The discussions they will engage in this year from
> deciding how the
> world should deal with European-American relations,
> the Middle East
> powder keg, the Iraq war, the global economy and how
> to stave off war in
> Iran, and the consensus they reach, will influence
> the course of Western
> civilization and the future of the entire planet.
> This meeting takes
> place behind closed doors in total secrecy,
> protected by a phalanx of
> armed guards.
> What was on Bilderberg´s 2005 agenda?
> After three straight years of open hostilities and
> tension amongst the
> European, British and American Bilderbergers caused
> by the war in Iraq,
> the aura of complete congeniality amongst them has
> returned.
> Bilderbergers have reaffirmed and remain united in
> their long-term goal
> to strengthen the role the UN plays in regulating
> global conflicts and
> relations.
> However, it is important to understand that
> Americans are no more the
> "Hawks" than the European Bilderbergers the "Doves".
> Europeans joined in
> supporting the 1991 invasion of Iraq by President
> Bush father,
> celebrating, in the words of one notable Bilderberg
> hunter the end of
> "America's Vietnam syndrome." Europeans also
> supported former President
> Bill Clinton's invasion of Yugoslavia, bringing NATO
> into the operation.
> A much-discussed subject in 2005 at Rottach-Egern
> was the concept of
> imposing a direct UN tax on people worldwide through
> a direct tax on oil
> at the wellhead. This, in fact, sets a precedent. If
> enacted, it will be
> the first time, when a non-governmental agency, read
> the United Nations,
> directly benefits from a tax on citizens of free and
> enslaved nations.
> Bilderberger proposal calls for a tiny UN levy at
> the outset which the
> consumer would hardly notice. Jim Tucker of the
> court-killed Spotlight
> magazine years ago wrote "establishing the principle
> that the UN can
> directly tax citizens of the world is important to
> Bilderberg. It is
> another giant step toward world government.
> Bilderbergers know that
> publicly promoting a UN tax on all people on Earth
> would meet with
> outrage. But they are patient; it first proposed a
> direct world tax
> years ago and celebrates the fact that it is now in
> the public dialogue
> with little public attention or concern."
> Bilderberg wants "tax harmonization" so high-tax
> countries could compete
> with more tax-friendly nations-including the United
> States-for foreign
> investment. They would "harmonize" taxes by forcing
> the rate in the
> United States and other countries to rise so that
> socialist Sweden's
> 58-percent level would be "competitive."
> NGOs
> The rise of the NGOs, a development former President
> Clinton suddenly
> [one day after it was discussed at Rottach-Egern]
> calls one of "the most
> remarkable things that have happened since the fall
> of the Berlin Wall."
> Ironically, Clinton´s statement was picked up by The
> Wall Street
> Journal, a paper always represented at the
> Bilderberg meetings by Robert
> L. Bartley, its Vice President and Paul Gigot,
> editorial page editor.
> The Bilderbergers have been vigorously debating to
> have, for the first
> time, unelected, self-appointed, environmental
> activists be given a
> position of governmental authority on the governing
> board of the agency
> which controls the use of atmosphere, outer space,
> the oceans, and, for
> all practical purposes, biodiversity. This
> invitation for "civil
> society" to participate in global governance is
> described as expanding
> democracy.
> According to sources within Bilderberg, the status
> of NGOs would be
> elevated even further in the future. The NGO
> activity would include
> agitation at the local level, lobbying at the
> national level, producing
> studies to justify global taxation through UN
> organizations such as
> Global Plan, one of Bilderberg´s pet projects for
> over a decade. The
> strategy to advance the global governance agenda
> specifically includes
> programs to discredit individuals and organizations
> that generate
> "internal political pressure" or "populist action"
> that fails to support
> the new global ethic. The ultimate objective,
> according to the source,
> being to suppress democracy.
> The United Nations Environment Programme, along with
> all the
> environmental treaties under its jurisdiction, would
> ultimately be
> governed by a special body of environmental
> activists, chosen only from
> accredited NGOs appointed by delegates to the
> General Assembly who are
> themselves appointed by the President of the United
> States, who is
> controlled by the Rockefeller-CFR-Bilderberg
> interlocking leadership
> This new mechanism would provide a direct route from
> the local,
> "on-the-ground" NGO affiliates of national and
> international NGOs to the
> highest levels of global governance. For example:
> The Greater
> Yellowstone Coalition, a group of affiliated NGOs,
> recently petitioned
> the World Heritage Committee of UNESCO asking for
> intervention in the
> plans of a private company to mine gold on private
> land near Yellowstone
> Park. The UNESCO Committee did intervene, and
> immediately listed
> Yellowstone as a "World Heritage Site in Danger."
> Under the terms of the
> World Heritage Convention, the United States is
> required to protect the
> park, even beyond the borders of the park, and onto
> private lands if
> necessary.
> The ideas being discussed, if implemented, will
> bring all the people of
> the world into a global neighbourhood managed by a
> world-wide
> bureaucracy, under the direct authority of a minute
> handful of appointed
> individuals, and policed by thousands of
> individuals, paid by accredited
> NGOs, certified to support a belief system, which to
> many people - is
> unbelievable and unacceptable.
> Elections in Britain
> Bilderbergers are celebrating the result it wanted.
> The return of a much
> humbled Tony Blair to 10 Downing Street with a much
> reduced
> parliamentary majority. European Bilderbergers are
> still angry at him
> for supporting America´s war in Iraq. While teaching
> Blair a useful
> lesson in international politics, Bilderbergers feel
> he is a far safer
> candidate to continue on the path of European
> integration than his
> conservative rival Michael Howard.
> Neo-conservative agenda
> In full force was that faction known as the
> so-called
> "neo-conservatives"--those who have determined that
> Israel's security
> should come at the expense of the safety to the
> United States and be
> central to all U.S. foreign policy decisions.
> Most notable among this group is the Israeli spy
> Richard Perle, who was
> investigated by the FBI for espionage on behalf of
> Israel. Perle played
> the critical role in pushing the United States into
> the war against
> Iraq. He was forced to resign from the Pentagon´s
> Defense Policy Board,
> on March 27, 2003 after it was learned that he had
> been advising Goldman
> Sachs International, a habitual Bilderberg attendee,
> on how it might
> profit from the war in Iraq.
> Another neo-conservative figure on hand was Michael
> A. Ledeen, an
> "intellectual´s intellectual." Ledeen serves for the
> American Enterprise
> Institute, a think-tank founded in 1943, with which
> Richard Perle has
> long been associated. AEI and the Brookings
> Institution operate a Joint
> Center for Regulatory Studies (JCRS) with the
> purpose of holding
> lawmakers and regulators "accountable for their
> decisions by providing
> thoughtful, objective analyses of existing
> regulatory programs and new
> regulatory proposals." The JCRS pushes for
> cost-benefit analysis of
> regulations, which fits with AEI's (and
> Bilderberger) ultimate goal of
> deregulation.
> These neo-conservatives were also joined this year
> at Bilderberg by a
> handful of other top former Washington policy makers
> and publicists
> known for their sympathies for Israel, including
> former State Department
> official Richard N. Haas, president of the CFR,
> former Assistant
> Secretary of State and "father" of the Dayton
> accord, Richard Holbrooke,
> and Dennis Ross of the pro-Israel Washington
> Institute for Near East
> Policy, effectively an offshoot of the America
> Israel Public Affairs
> Committee (AIPAC) and JINSA as well as the newly
> elected World Bank
> president Paul Wolfowitz.
> Dennis Ross, Richard N. Perle, and company are
> itching to "transfer"
> translation: to ethnically cleanse as many
> Palestinians from the West
> Bank and Gaza as possible. "Israel should have
> exploited the repression
> of the demonstrations in China, when world attention
> focused on that
> country, to carry out mass expulsions among the
> Arabs of the
> territories," former Prime Minister Netanyahu told
> students at Bar-Ilan
> University in 1989. The residents of the European
> Community may be
> clueless about the intentions of Zionists toward the
> Palestinians, but
> in Israel, to my astonishment, ethnic cleansing is a
> popular subject of
> discussion. Fifty percent or more of Israelis think
> ethnic cleansing is
> a good idea. This from a nation that supposedly
> remembers the Holocaust.
> Fiction, is indeed stranger than the truth.
> Energy
> An American Bilderberger expressed concern over the
> sky-rocketing price
> of oil. One oil industry insider at the meeting
> remarked that growth is
> not possible without energy and that according to
> all indicators,
> world's energy supply is coming to an end much
> faster than the world
> leaders have anticipated. According to sources,
> Bilderbergers estimate
> the extractable world's oil supply to be at a
> maximum of 35 years under
> current economic development and population.
> However, one of the
> representatives of an oil cartel remarked that we
> must factor into the
> equation, both the population explosion and economic
> growth and demand
> for oil in China and India. Under the revised
> conditions, there is
> apparently only enough oil to last for 20 years. No
> oil spells the end
> of the world's financial system. So much has already
> been acknowledged
> by The Wall Street Journal and the Financial Times,
> two periodicals who
> are regularly present at the annual Bilderberg
> conference.
> Conclusion: Expect a severe downturn in the world's
> economy over the
> next two years as Bilderbergers try to safeguard the
> remaining oil
> supply by taking money out of people's hands. In a
> recession or, at
> worst, a depression, the population will be forced
> to dramatically cut
> down their spending habits, thus ensuring a longer
> supply of oil to the
> world's rich as they try to figure out what to do.
> During the afternoon cocktail, European Bilderberger
> noted that there is
> no plausible alternative to hydrocarbon energy. One
> American insider
> stated that currently the world uses between four
> and six barrels of oil
> for every new barrel it finds and that the prospects
> for a short term
> break through are slim, at best.
> Someone asked for an estimate to the world´s
> accessible conventional oil
> supply. The amount was quoted at approximately one
> trillion barrels. As
> a side note of interest, the planet consumes a
> billion barrels of oil
> every 11.5 days.
> Another Bilderberger asked about hydrogen
> alternative to the oil supply.
> The US government official agreed gloomily that
> hydrogen salvation to
> the world´s eminent energy crisis is a fantasy.
> This confirms public statement made in 2003 by HIS,
> the world´s most
> respected consulting firm cataloguing oil reserved
> and discoveries that
> for the first time since the 1920s there was not a
> single discovery of
> an oil field in excess of 500 million barrels.
> The oil industry at the 2005 Bilderberg conference
> was represented by
> John Browne, BP´s Chief Executive Officer, John
> Kerr, Director Royal
> Dutch Shell, Peter D. Sutherland, BP Chairman and
> Jeroen van der Veer,
> Chairman Committee of Managing Directors Royal Dutch
> Shell.
> It should be remembered that in late 2003, oil giant
> Royal Dutch Shell,
> announced that it had overstated its reserved by as
> much as 20 percent.
> Queen Beatrix of Holland, Royal Dutch Shell´s
> principal shareholder is a
> full fledged member of the Bilderbergers. Her
> father, prince Bernhard
> was one of the founders of the group back in 1954.
> The Los Angeles Times
> reported that "For petroleum firms, reserves amount
> to nothing less that
> ´the value of the company´. In fact, Shell cut its
> reserve estimates not
> once, but three times, prompting the resignation of
> its co-chairman. At
> Rottach-Egern, in May 2005, industry's top
> executives tried to figure
> out how to keep the truth about diminishing oil
> reserves from reaching
> the public. Public knowledge of the diminishing
> reserved directly
> translates into lower share prices, which could
> destroy financial
> markets, leading to a collapse of the world economy.
> EU referendum in France
> The first day of secret meetings at Bilderberg 2005
> was dominated by
> talk of EU referendum in France and whether Chirac
> can persuade France
> to vote Yes on May 29. A Yes vote, according to
> sources within
> Bilderberg would put a lot of pressure on Tony Blair
> to finally deliver
> Britain into the waiting arms of the New World Order
> through their own
> referendum on the treaty scheduled for 2006.
> Matthias Nass wondered out
> load that a No vote in France could undoubtedly
> cause political turmoil
> in Europe and overshadow Britain's six-month EU
> presidency starting on
> July 1. Bilderbergers, hope that Blair and Chirac,
> whose at times open
> animosity has spilled into a public arena on more
> than one occasion, can
> work together for mutual benefit and political
> survival. Another
> European Bilderberger added that both leaders must
> put behind them as
> quickly as possible all past disputes on such topics
> as Iraq, the
> liberalization of Europe´s economy and the future of
> budget rebate
> Britain receives from the EU and work towards
> complete European
> integration, which could desintigrate if France´s
> often "hard-headed and
> obstinate people", in the words of a British
> Bilderberger, do not do the
> right thing, meaning give up voluntarily their
> independence for the
> "greater good" of a Federal European super state!
> A German Bilderberger insider said that France´s Yes
> vote is in trouble
> because of the "outsourcing of jobs. Jobs in Germany
> and France are
> going to Asia and Ukraine," [to take advantage of
> cheap labour.] Ukraine
> is one of the former Soviet republics that have been
> admitted to the
> European Union bringing the total membership to 25
> nations. A German
> politician wondered out loud how Tony Blair shall go
> about convincing
> Britons to embrace the European Constitution when
> due to the outsourcing
> of jobs, both Germany and France are suffering a 10%
> unemployment while
> Britain is doing well economically.
> USA criminals
> A USA law called Logan Act, states explicitly that
> it is against the law
> for federal officials to attend secret meetings with
> private citizens to
> develop public policies. Although Bilderberg 2005
> was missing one of its
> luminaries, US State Department official John Bolton
> who was testifying
> before Senate Foreign Relations Committee, the
> American government was
> well represented in Rottach-Egern by Alan Hubbard,
> assistant to the
> president for economic policy and director of the
> National Economic
> Council; William Luti, deputy under secretary of
> defence; James
> Wolfensohn, outgoing president of the World Bank and
> Paul Wolfowitz,
> deputy secretary of state, an ideologue of the Iraq
> war and incoming
> president of the World Bank. By attending Bilderberg
> 2005 meeting, these
> people are breaking Federal laws of the United
> States.
> Auna Telecomunicaciones
> At a Saturday night cocktail [May 7] at the
> luxurious Dorint Sofitel
> Seehotel Ãœberfahrt in Rottach-Egern, Bavaria,
> Munich, several
> Bilderbergers sharing the standing bar with Queen
> Beatrix of Holland and
> Donald Graham, Washington Post´s CEO were discussing
> the up-coming sale
> of Spanish telecommunications and cable giant Auna.
> Auna operates fixed
> line telephone services, a mobile-phone network,
> cable television system
> and is also an Internet provider. One of the
> Bilderbergers familiar with
> the matter [believed to be Henry Kravis, based on
> the physical
> description of the source at the meeting] stated
> that Auna´s mobile
> operations could bring in some 10 billion euros
> including debt, while
> another Bilderberger, a tall man with a receding
> hairline added that its
> fixed-line assets could fetch some 2.6 billion
> euros. Sources close to
> the Bilderbergers have stated off-the-record that
> Kohlberg Kravis
> Roberts & Co, a private-equity firm is interested in
> buying all of Auna.
> An abundance of cheap credit and low interest rates
> have made Auna an
> appetising target for private-equity buyers.
> Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co is represented at
> Bilderberg meetings by
> its luminary billionaire Henry Kravis and his small
> town Quebec-born
> wife Marie Joseé Kravis, a Senior Fellow at the
> neoconservative
> organization Hudson Institute.
> Conclusions: Expect favourable coverage and support
> for Kohlberg Kravis
> Roberts & Co from Grupo Prisa whose Consejero
> Delegado Juan Luis Cebrian
> always attends super secret Bilderberg meetings. In
> case Kravis fails to
> put together a competitive bid, then expect the same
> favourable coverage
> for Goldman Sachs Group, whose Martin Taylor is
> Bilderbergers Honorary
> Secretary General and whose other Bilderberger,
> Peter Sutherland is
> Goldman Sachs´ Chairman as well as Trilateral
> Commission´s European
> Chairman. In the past, exposing Bilderberg meetings
> has provided advance
> warning-months ahead of the mainstream media-of U.S.
> Iraqi invasion, tax
> increases, and the downfall of Margaret Thatcher as
> prime minister of
> Britain.
> Indonesia-Malaysia stand-off
> A political and military confrontation between these
> two nations in the
> petroleum-rich Sulawesi Sea [both claim the oil-rich
> area of Ambalat as
> their territorial rights] was the topic of a much
> animated discussion
> amongst several American and European Bilderbergers
> during an afternoon
> cocktail. An American Bilderberger waving his cigar
> suggested using the
> UN to "further a peace policy in the region". In
> fact, Bilderbergers at
> the lounge table all agreed that such a conflict
> might well give them an
> excuse to garrison the disputed area with UN
> "Peacekeepers" and thus
> ensure their ultimate control over the exploitation
> of this treasure,
> meaning untapped oil reserves.
> China
> European and American Bilderbergers realising the
> most urgent of needs
> to expand into developing markets in order to help
> sustain the illusion
> of endless growth have agreed to name Pascal Lamy, a
> French Socialist
> and a fanatical supporter of a European super state
> as the next WTO
> President. It will be remembered that Washington
> gave a conditional
> support to Lamy´s nomination in exchange to European
> support of Paul
> Wolfowitz as head of the World Bank. According to
> insider sources within
> the Bilderberger group, Lamy was chosen to help
> steer the global trading
> system through a time of rising protectionist
> sentiment in rich
> countries such as France and Germany, both reeling
> from high
> unemployment and reticent to increasingly muscular
> demands for market
> assess from emerging economies. Third World states,
> for example, are
> insisting on cuts to EU and US farm subsidies. The
> WTO liberalization
> drive collapsed in acrimony in Seattle in 1999 and
> again in Cancun in
> 2003. The Bilderbergers have secretly agreed on the
> need to force the
> poor countries into a globalized market for cheap
> goods while
> simultaneously forcing the poor into becoming
> customers. The current
> rift with China is a good example, as the Chinese
> have flooded the
> Western countries with cheap goods, amongst them
> textiles, driving down
> prices. As a trade off, the Bilderbergers have
> entered into an emerging
> market ripe and vulnerable to superior western
> know-how. Similar
> develop-ing countries are slowly acquiring more
> purchasing power and the
> industrialized world is gaining a foothold in their
> domestic economies
> by targeting them for cheap exports.
> * * *
> One can't help but wonder, when the Bilderberg
> organisers, Rockefeller,
> Kissinger, Queen Beatrix and the rest have completed
> their project of
> enclosing all global goods and services into their
> own hands. What then?
> Francisco Goya´s Plate 79 of Disasters
> shows
> the fair maid of Liberty flat on her back, bosom
> exposed. Ghostly
> figures play about the corpse while monks dig her
> grave. Truth has died.
> Murió la verdad. How is that for an alternative?
> Forewarned is
> forearmed. We will never find the right answers if
> we can't ask the
> proper questions.
> Daniel Estulin is a political commentator living in
> Madrid, author of
> four books on communication skills. He can be
> reached at:
> d.estulin@ctconsultoria.com
> <mailto:d.estulin@ctconsultoria.com>
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