Monday, May 30, 2005 If only first lady were the last to know

> The following Newsday article tells the truth. Why
> bother to tell
> Duhmbya anything in a time of crisis? He isn't the
> one who really runs
> things, as most of us know by now. Mostly, he just
> runs...and
> bikes...and plays...and occasionally chokes on a
> pretzel. As long as he
> stays out of the way most of the time, the neocons
> (Cheney, Wolfowitz,
> Perle) have their say about how things are run in
> the country. Of
> course, they have to put the Duhmbya up in front of
> the people some of
> the time, just to keep the rabble fooled, but they
> always hold their
> breath--and make sure he doesn't really answer any
> questions. They give
> him pabulum messages that never address the actual
> question--he
> memorizes them and delivers them as best he can
> (with many stumbles and
> bumbles) and then, like Porky Pig, quickly tells the
> reporters
> "'s all, folks." A few of
> their messages don't
> serve completely, however--and occasionally, Duhmbya
> tries to answer
> someone's question all by himself. He tried that in
> Florida, when a
> woman asked him to explain his proposed changes to
> Social Security so
> she could understand it. His answer demonstrated
> perfectly that Duhmbya
> doesn't understand it (or anything else), either.
> If he is allowed to
> speak off the cuff without his management system
> around him, this is the
> kind of thing we hear:
> BUSH: Because the -- all which is on the table
> begins to address the big
> cost drivers. For example, how benefits are
> calculate, for example, is
> on the table; whether or not benefits rise based
> upon wage increases or
> price increases. There's a series of parts of the
> formula that are being
> considered. And when you couple that, those
> different cost drivers,
> affecting those -- changing those with personal
> accounts, the idea is to
> get what has been promised more likely to be -- or
> closer delivered to
> what has been promised.
> Does that make any sense to you? It's kind of
> muddled. Look, there's a
> series of things that cause the -- like, for
> example, benefits are
> calculated based upon the increase of wages, as
> opposed to the increase
> of prices. Some have suggested that we calculate --
> the benefits will
> rise based upon inflation, as opposed to wage
> increases. There is a
> reform that would help solve the red if that were
> put into effect. In
> other words, how fast benefits grow, how fast the
> promised benefits
> grow, if those -- if that growth is affected, it
> will help on the red.
> Okay, better? I'll keep working on it.
> (Makes you proud to call him our president, doesn't
> it? We were lucky
> Condi Rice was sitting beside him when, in talking
> with Brazilian
> president Fernando Henrique Cardoso, Bush
> surprisingly asked: "Do you
> have Blacks in your country, too?" Condi had to
> rescue the situation.
> She noticed how stunned and surprised Cardoso looked
> and quickly told
> Bush that Brazil likely has more blacks than the US
> and that outside of
> Africa it was the place with the highest number of
> blacks in the world.
> The Brazilian president remarked later that Bush was
> "still in a
> learning-phase" when it came to South
> America."--Yeah, and when it comes
> to most everything else, too.)

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