> Here Kitty Kitty Kitty ! THAT'S A
> The 10ft Liger who's still growing...
> He looks like something from a prehistoric age or a
> fantastic creation
> from Hollywood. But Hercules is very much living
> flesh and blood - as he
> proves every time he opens his gigantic mouth to
> roar. Part lion, part
> tiger, he is not just a big cat but a huge
> one,standing 10ft tall on his
> back legs. Called a liger, in reference to his
> crossbreed parentage, he
> is the largest of all the cat species.
> On a typical day he will devour 20lb of meat,
> usually beef or chicken,
> and is capable of eating 100lb at a single sitting.
> At just three years
> old, Hercules already weighs half a ton.
> He is the accidental result of two enormous big cats
> living close
> together at the Institute of Greatly Endangered and
> Rare Species, in
> Miami, Florida, and already dwarfs both his parents.
> "Ligers are not something we planned on having,"
> said institute owner Dr
> Bhagavan Antle. "We have lions and tigers living
> together in large
> enclosures and at first we had no idea how well one
> of
> the lion boys was getting along with a tiger girl,
> then lo and behold we
> had a liger."
> 50mph runner... Not only that, but he likes to swim,
> a feat unheard of
> among water-fearing lions. In the wild it is
> virtually impossible for
> lions and tigers to mate. Not only are they enemies
> likely to kill one
> another, but most lions are in Africa and most
> tigers in Asia. But
> incredible though he is, Hercules is not unique.
> Ligers have been bred
> in captivity, deliberately and accidentally, since
> shortly before World
> War II.
> Today there are believed to be a handful of ligers
> around the world and
> a similar number of tigons, the product of a tiger
> father and lion
> mother. Tigons are smaller than ligers and take on
> more physical
> characteristics of the tiger.
> Famous cross-breeds
> Look at the size of the head on this cat.. )
> <http://www.incredimail.com/index.asp?id=54475>
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