> I just wrote to Helen Thomas regarding her
> confrontation with Scott
> McClellan today at the White House press conference
> (see the article
> about it below my letter). I think we should
> encourage those
> journalists who dare to stand up against the BushCo
> Empire. BushCo and
> their propaganda pipelines (Drudge, Fox News) make
> fun of Helen, but I
> think she is one of the most courageous journalists
> in our nation
> today. She tells it like it is. I see her and
> Molly Ivins in the same
> league, and thank God for them and their persistence
> in telling the
> truth. If anyone else wants to send her an e-mail,
> her address is
> hthomas@hearstdc.com. Here's my letter to Helen:
> I just read that you peppered Scott McClellan today
> with important
> questions about Iraq and Afghanistan: "Did they
> invite us?" (GOOD
> question!)
> But of course, being the disgrace that he is,
> McClellan ignored you and
> tried to put you down. I don't know how you even
> got called on, Helen,
> since they sat you in the last row behind the potted
> plants--but God
> bless you for persisting! Too many of your
> journalistic colleagues have
> either gone over to the Bush camp--or are lying down
> and presenting
> themselves as doormats for BushCo to wipe their feet
> on. I suspect this
> is because many of them are under command from their
> corporate hierarchy
> who are Bush buddies--receiving all those great tax
> cuts.
> Journalistic integrity, for the most part in our
> country, has been
> sullied beyond recognition. You stand out as a
> shining light amidst the
> dark and forlorn mess that our "fourth estate" has
> sadly become. The
> Jeff Gannon/James Guckert episode alone was enough
> to do it and the Bush
> White House in--but, just like all other revelatory
> events in this
> administration, it was glossed over by the
> mainstream media.
> I hope you have become friends with Ron Reagan, Jr.
> and Keith
> Olbermann. I would love to see them interview you
> on MSNBC. They seem
> to feel the same about most things as you and half
> of our nation's
> people do. Unfortunately, we are the half that no
> one listens to, as
> BushCo takes us further and further into darkness on
> every important
> issue of the day: environmentalism, science
> technology, women's rights,
> etc., etc.
> The Republicans own our government--all three
> branches, and I believe
> they got there through vote fraud that was not
> pursued by Kerry/Edwards
> in Ohio and Florida. That was a major
> disappointment--that the
> Democratic candidates would not fight for those
> votes when we, the
> people, had done so much to try to get them elected.
> They let us
> down--and worse, they let the country down. Do you
> see Election Reform
> being addressed now, in preparation for the 2006
> mid-term elections?
> No, neither do I. It looks like we will have to
> take the word of the
> Diebold CEO once again, with still no paper trails
> to check on the
> Diebold voting machines, that (as he promised Bush
> in 2004) "I will
> deliver Ohio to you, Mr. Bush." Which he certainly
> did.
> I fear, Helen, that the Republicans now own the
> government and will
> continue to own it if no election reforms are
> undertaken. They will be
> able to manipulate the vote however they want it.
> And the Democrat
> wimps will continue to lie still for it. I am
> almost 70 years old now,
> and I don't fear for myself, but for my children and
> grandchildren. The
> world they live in is so different from the one in
> which I grew
> up....and the changes have not been for the better.
> Whatever has happened to our country? Where are the
> Mr. Smiths when you
> most need them in Washington? The words to Where
> Have All the Flowers
> Gone echo in my mind: "Gone to graveyards every
> one...Oh, when will
> they ever learn? Oh, when will they ever learn?"
> Keep up the good work, Helen. After today, you will
> probably never
> again be called on by Scott McClellan--and they may
> just move your seat
> out into the hallway. But you have guts--and
> courage--and good common
> sense! All of which are sadly lacking in the
> majority of journalists
> today. I wish we could clone you and put you on the
> staff of every
> major news organization in America. May your tribe
> increase!
> Sincerely,
> Eileen Maceri
> Santa Cruz, California
> Helen Thomas today ripped into White House spokesman
> Scott McClellan
> over his claims that the United States is in
> Afghanistan and Iraq -- by
> invitation.
> Q The other day -- in fact, this week, you said that
> we, the United
> States, are in Afghanistan and Iraq by invitation.
> Would you like to
> correct that incredible distortion of American
> history --
> MR. McCLELLAN: No, we are -- that's where we
> currently --
> Q -- in view of your credibility that is already
> mired? How can you say
> that?
> MR. McCLELLAN: Helen, I think everyone in this room
> knows that you're
> taking that comment out of context. There are two
> democratically-elected
> governments in Iraq and --
> Q Were we invited into Iraq?
> MR. McCLELLAN: There are two democratically-elected
> governments now in
> Iraq and Afghanistan, and we are there at their
> invitation. They are
> sovereign governments, and we are there today --
> Q You mean if they had asked us out, that we would
> have left?
> MR. McCLELLAN: No, Helen, I'm talking about today.
> We are there at their
> invitation. They are sovereign governments --
> Q I'm talking about today, too.
> MR. McCLELLAN: -- and we are doing all we can to
> train and equip their
> security forces so that they can provide for their
> own security as they
> move forward on a free and democratic future.
> Q Did we invade those countries?
> MR. McCLELLAN: Go ahead, Steve.
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