Thursday, May 12, 2005

Very scary to contemplate what is happening re. religious zealotry/bigotry/power

> It is not difficult to see where we are heading....I
> found this EXCERPT
> pretty chilling: a speech [was given] to a group of
> conservative
> Christians for an anti-filibuster hullabaloo called
> "Justice Sunday."
> That made the headlines. What didn't make the
> headlines was the
> under-current of the tent-show, beamed to over sixty
> million people.
> Here's what Al Mohler, president of the Southern
> Baptist Theological
> Seminary had to say: "We want to communicate to all
> that we are not
> calling for persons merely to be moral. We want them
> to be believers in
> the Lord Jesus Christ, because we don't just need
> instruction, we need
> salvation. Now, because of that, something has to
> explain why we would
> take this time on a Sunday night to talk about
> something like the
> federal judiciary. I want to make clear why there is
> such a sense of
> urgency that we would do this. It's because so much
> that is precious to
> us, so much that is essential to this civilization,
> this culture, this
> great democratic republic is in the hands of the
> courts. And we know
> that means that much is at risk. Because we have
> been watching. And we
> have been learning. (Und Ve haf our vays of bringing
> everyone under our
> domination.)
> "For far too long, Christians have been concerned to
> elect the right
> people to office, and then go back home. We have
> learned the importance
> of the electoral process, and yet we're also
> discovering that that third
> branch of government, the judiciary, is so very,
> very important. We have
> been watching court cases come down the line. In
> 1973, Roe v. Wade, just
> declaring a woman's right to an abortion. We now
> know in the aftermath
> of that decision, that Justice Blackman, who was the
> author of the
> majority opinion, even has admitted that they were
> determined to
> legalize abortion, and they just went to the
> Constitution to try to find
> an argument that would get them where they wanted to
> go. And they did.
> "Now, that was a wake-up call for Americans to say,
> now wait a minute,
> there's nothing in the Constitution about abortion.
> By no stretch of the
> imagination did the founders of this nation and the
> framers of that
> document intend for anyone to be able to read those
> words and find a
> right to kill unborn children." (Und so, because of
> our beliefs which ve
> insist everyone else MUST believe, ve are going to
> make it impossible
> for any voman to make a choice about her own body.
> Onward Christian
> Soldiers--Sieg Heil!!!)

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