Read the following article to see how folks in the central California area will be celebrating the end of the Duhmbya Bush era!
Bush had his last press conference today, trying to rewrite history. He doesn't believe people all over the world despise him and our country. Man, is he ever deluded! And he thinks his administration did a GREAT job in New Orleans when Katrina hit! He says he's proud of what he's done when he looks in the mirror. This is a man with no introspection or self-assessment abilities whatsoever! He will continue to delude himself to his dying day. And so will those who still continue to support him. A blind man -- leading his blind followers. Off a cliff. Bush's assessment in history will be as the WORST! PRESIDENT. EVER!
For myself, I bought a dart board, with plenty of sharp darts--and have photos of Bush and Cheney and Rumsfeld and Rice and Perle and Wolfowitz and all the other criminals of this diseased administration to hang on the board. I am going to have a wonderful time throwing darts on the glorious day of January 20th when the neocon bums are finally thrown out of office! Knowing that the incoming administration and Congress intend to do nothing about the criminal acts of Cheney and Bush, I can only hope to see them frog-marched in the Hague one day soon. They have been the most evil of men, sending millions to their deaths while they and their greedy pals profited from those deaths. The sneer-lipped Cheney ran the Bush administration and our country (into the ground), all the while allowing the dumbkopf in the Oval Office to think he was running the show. There are no words harsh enough to throw at these two blackguards who ravaged our Constitution, sent our soldiers into harm's way on LIES, caused the deaths and mutilations of millions, and who are now trying to rewrite their "contribution" to the world. Thankfully, over 3/4 of the people in this country and 99.9% of the people in the world see them for what they are--criminals of the worst kind. As for the 1/4 in our country who still support these worse-than-evil men, we can only pray that they awaken to reality one day. I haven't much hope, though, for those who think Sarah Palin and Joe the Plumber are great Americans, worthy of public office. They voted for Bush and they voted for Palin. Some people just never get it.
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