Thursday, January 22, 2009

Bush's signing statements worse than I had thought

He made more than 1,100 of them, double those of all presidents before him--combined!!! And Obama will have to go through them all in order to nullify or override them!

A signing statement is a president's written interpretation of legislation passed by congress which accompanies his signature when he signs a bill into law.

For example, in 2005 congress voted overwhelmingly to ban torture which Bush signed into law. However, Bush also included a signing statement which basically allowed him to ignore the new law.

To date, Bush has issued 1,100 signing statements which is nearly double that of all 42 presidents that preceded him combined.

Question: What happens to Bush's signing statements when he leaves office? Do they cease to apply? Can a better President write additional ones that override or discontinue the existing ones?

Answer: Executive Orders become law unless challenged or changed by Congress. They CAN be nullified or over-ridden by a new President's Executive Orders. Even after the issuing Exec leaves office the law stands unless Congress or a "better" Exec takes action.


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