by Steve YoungHaving one popularity-challenged president exit last week, seeing Ron Howard’s Academy Award nominated film, Frost/Nixon, seemed apropos. As I watched an outstanding perfomance by Frank Langella as Richard Nixon. I remembered just how much I hated Nixon; how important it was to me when the press stood up to him (thank you, Dan). He had stretched the Vietnam war over far more American bodies than needed to die. It hit me that as much as I despised Bush 43, I did not despise him anywhere near as I did Nixon. But the film brought up another perspective for me.
Langellla’s dower and thoughtful dramatics actually made me feel sad for Nixon, something I thought I was incapable of.
Plot point alert. During the final day of the Frost interview, Nixon broke, accepting for all the world to see and hear; that he was corrupt and let down the American people.
Langella’s depiction of that moment of self-realization was stunning. As another deep line etched in his already hanging face, it all became clear. The jig was up. Nixon sat here digesting what he had held tight to the chest for years. In Watergate he was the guilty party. He had not properly represented the office of president and he had let down the American people. His admission was an indication of a trace of humanity in the man.
On the other hand, Bush is incapable of admitting guilt or responsibility. To do so he would need to harbor a sense of real emotion. There is no self-awareness - Bush has affability but no humanity, no matter how deep you scratch through the layers of grime.
In his Jan. 15 “Farewell,” Bush said: “As the years passed, most Americans were able to return to life much as it had been before 9/11. But I never did. Every morning, I received a briefing on the threats to our nation.”
How revealing, particularly because it came in a prepared speech where he had many chances to edit it out. The insensitivity is staggering - no regard for the 9/11 families or war casualty families or ANYONE else. It’s the plaintive whine of a privileged man-child who has skated through a self-centered life.
Put another way: “It’s not fair that I got hurt,” cries the drunk who crashed his car after his driving forced a school bus off a cliff. Given his unfathomable attempt at empathy, rationalizing that giving up golf is commiserate with losing a loved one to war (a month later he was photographed playing again), my guess is that he doesn’t even understand what taking responsibility means. Nixon could take a question and, after a momentary frank answer, veer off deftly into anecdotes that left the original question difficult to recall. But he knew what he was doing.
Bush did nothing deftly. He just didn’t answer the questions.
A late-awakening 70’s press corp pushed the Nixonian truth to the surface. Talk radio was loud, but in its infancy. The right wing likes of NY’s Bob Grant, LA’s Wally George and George Putnam were still considered jokes so Nixon didn’t have the 24/7 distortion defense of today’s Lords of Loud to obliterate the truth. Without the capacity to truly contemplate right and wrong, Bush made it through the last eight years- certainly a lot better than the rest of us - helped mightily by Limbaugh and da gang.
My guess is that if talk radio were running the air waves back then like they do today, Nixon would have made it though to the end of his second term, a few bumps and bruises, but still considered an honored statesman with no need to spill his guts on international TV. Bush got away with murder, but while Nixon did too, David Frost
provided us our day in court and Nixon cornered, took responsibility.Bush would never admit guilt. And why should he? Not when he has the insanity plea.
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