Today I received the following e-mail from a Bush supporter: Suppose We Won and No One Told Us. You can read the article at and judge it for yourself. My own opinion is as follows:
What a wonderful example Bush has set for future presidents to follow! When you get attacked by one country (most of the 9/11 terrorists were Saudis), attack another that has done nothing to you (especially if your family is great friends $$$ with the Saudis). Make up lies to justify your attack. Big Lies. GIANT Lies. Talk about mushroom clouds. Amp up the fright in the citizenry -- get 'em really scared by all your lies so they'll approve your ridiculous plan. Then, when millions have died and your own country has been brought to its knees, tell the people you have "won" the war you started on lies! In spite of what is before their very eyes, many of them will believe it. seems to me this has been done before. Even in our lifetime....Anyone remember Hitler? And his country wasn't even attacked. Yet the foolish people followed along like lemmings, believing all his huge lies--and praised him. God help us all -- we never learn a damn thing from history. Now the Republicans are trying to make a hero out of Bush, the biggest IDIOT to ever inhabit the White House, bar none! He makes Buchanan look good. Republicans are now giving praise for an administration that approved torture and which, once it was discovered, then blamed the little guys for carrying out their orders. Bush and Cheney and Rice are trying to rewrite history--they're now out on the circuit desperately delivering up more lies for their brainwashed followers to swallow. Yeah, these are great heroes. Marvelous examples of what our country can produce as "leaders."
After eight long years of hellish, evil leadership, our country is dead, probably beyond revivification. The principles on which it was founded have been thrown into the trash. Our Constitution has been shredded. But the Bush-supporting Republicans (thank God their number has been decreasing rapidly as more people awaken to the truth) haven't noticed, they are so busy praising the idiot and his puppet master who have brought us to the end of our "empire." Hoping against hope that their hero Bush's reputation will miraculously be raised from the dead when history has judged him, they go sadly on, praising the dolt in order to justify their votes for him. From Cheney and Bush, lies follow damned lies -- and the bigger those lies are, the wider their followers' mouths (and the smaller their brains) have to be in order to swallow them. Yet they keep doing so, even if their nonsensical behavior should eventually choke them to death.
Praising their "fearless leader," the Republicans now claiming "victory" ignore all of the underhanded tactics that took place during the trillion-dollar war started on Bush and Cheney's lies. In desperation, the Bush administration finally bribed Sunni insurgents, paying them hundreds of thousands of dollars in order to get them to change sides. This, more than military tactics, is responsible for the lessening of al Qaeda's influence in Iraq. See: and
A terrible war of devastation, started on lies against a country that did nothing to us and that led to the killing and maiming of millions, is now being lauded as having been "won," and the liars that started it are being praised. In this defense of Bush and Cheney, we have sunk about as low as we can go. The one thing that could cheer me would be to see them held responsible for their criminal acts -- arrested, indicted, and imprisoned for all the destruction and havoc they have wreaked on the world.
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