Monday, December 26, 2011

Court files show Gingrich as selfish, cruel

The real Newt shows up clearly in court files of his first divorce.
The files tell a lot about his "family values." The man apparently has none of the moral values Republicans claim to cherish. It's hard to imagine that ANYone would want to vote for this self-obsessed, conscienceless egomaniac.  Especially people who honor morality and family values.

  Leonard H. "Kip" Carter, a former close Gingrich friend, backed the contention that it was Newt Gingrich who wanted the divorce. "He (Gingrich) said, 'You know and I know that she's not young enough or pretty enough to be the wife of a president,' " Carter, who now lives in South Carolina, told CNN recently, relating the conversation he had with Gingrich the day Gingrich revealed he was filing for divorce. Carter served as treasurer of Gingrich's first congressional campaigns.  Carter, who was a fellow history professor when Gingrich taught at West Georgia College in Carrollton, said he broke off his friendship with Newt Gingrich because of the congressman's treatment of his wife during the divorce.

When Gingrich filed for divorce, he was already seeing a 28-year-old congressional aide, whom he married six months after his divorce was final in 1981. (He later divorced wife #2 to marry a younger woman who now stands by his side -- presumably until someone younger and prettier catches ol' Newt's eye).

The same court filing in which Jackie Gingrich told the judge she did not want the divorce also accused Gingrich of failing to provide enough money for her and her two then-teenaged daughters to live on during their separation. Kathy was 17 at the time.  "Despite repeated notice to plaintiff and requests by defendant, plaintiff has failed and refused to voluntarily provide reasonable support sufficient to include payment of usual and normal living expenses, including drugs, water, sewage, garbage, gas, electric and telephone service for defendant and the minor children," she said in court documents. "As a result, many of such accounts are two or three months past due with notices of intent to cut off service and gas and electricity."

When Jackie Gingrich and her daughters moved from their other home in Fairfax, Virginia, back to their house in Carrollton, Georgia, there were "no lights, no heat, no water, no food in the home," former Gingrich friend and academic colleague Carter said.  Carter, who helped collect donations for the family, said Gingrich "wouldn't give them a dime" in the first months of the separation. "We had a food drive at First Baptist Church," Carter said. "The deacons went down and stocked her pantry."


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