Sunday, December 18, 2011

Information you won't forget -- watch this new documentary online   Free online viewing -- instead of paying $20.00 to buy it on amazon.

The title of the documentary is THRIVE, released in November. It is made by Foster Gamble, heir to the Proctor and Gamble fortune.  It is unlike any documentary you have ever seen before.  And it is Most Important viewing!  We all know our world is not the way we want it to be -- something is awry, and we don't seem to be able to change it for the better, no matter how much we try.  This documentary
makes sense of things and events that seemingly made no sense before, by giving puzzle pieces that have been missing for most of us.

I just watched it and, though I was previously aware of much of the information through years of curiosity/seminars/reading/etc., still there was far more to be learned.  This is a truly amazing and enlightening documentary, with suggestions for change, should you be interested in knowing what you can do, after viewing it.  Of all the recommendations I have made of books to read and movies to watch regarding the world situation, I consider this to be the most important one of all.  If you decide to watch it, please let me know what you think of it after you have seen it.  Pass the information about it along, if you find it to be of value to you.


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Anonymous said...

Karl Marx was right! Good to see someone agrees.