> http://www.catholicwebcast.com/
> I just finished reading a book entitled "Psychic
> Children," in which
> there was a long chapter devoted to the four young
> girls of Garabandal,
> Spain who in the years between 1961-65 saw over
> 2,000 visions of angels
> and the blessed virgin Mary. I remembered having
> seen a documentary on
> television once about this case, with actual movies
> of the girls in
> ecstasy and performing body movements that seemed
> impossible. During
> their ecstasies the girls were pricked with pins,
> pinched, had bright
> lights shown into their eyes, and they never
> flinched or blinked--or
> were even aware of what was being done to them.
> While they were
> experiencing the visions, their bodies sometimes
> bent backwards slowly,
> as they were lowered to the ground with their legs
> straight out in front
> of them until they were lying down, and then their
> bodies would slowly
> rise up in the same way till they were standing once
> again--and all the
> time they were staring upward in ecstasy, having
> conversations with
> someone who was invisible to the witnesses. They
> were able to walk/run
> backward and forward with great speed, all the while
> staring upward with
> their heads bent backward to such a degree that it
> looked as though they
> should be in pain.
> I searched online to see if that video I remembered
> were available. And
> I found this site on which all the videos are free
> for watching. A book
> about the case is also available, which can be
> downloaded for free.
> It's quite an interesting site, to say the least.
> I have just watched one of the videos called "The
> Eyewitnesses" and plan
> to watch the others. I watched it on Windows Media
> 225 --- excellent
> quality.
> I have a theory about this and other miracles of the
> Catholic
> Church....but will not mention it now. If you are
> interested, just
> watch these videos...the things that happened to
> these girls is truly
> remarkable. They obviously saw some kind of vision
> that put them in
> ecstasy and allowed their bodies to do things that
> are not allowed in
> our physical world (such as floating/walking in air,
> etc.) I
> particularly found interesting that the girls were
> told "many of your
> cardinals, bishops, and priests are bound to
> perdition" and that many
> priests were following evil ways. This was before
> anything ever came
> out about the clergys' abuse of children. At the
> same time, the girls
> were told to obey the priests and honor them...and
> always follow what
> they tell you. Quite interesting..and my theory
> about all of this makes
> some sense of that, I think.
> Anyway, I pass this along to whoever may be
> interested. I think that,
> no matter what your belief or religion, you will
> find this story and
> these videos fascinating.
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