Thursday, June 09, 2005

The ONE Campaign | A Way to Help--sent with love

The ONE Campaign | A Way to Help--sent with
> love
> This page is the home site of the humanitarian
> organization ONE, which
> aims to help the poor and AIDS-diseased people of
> third-world
> countries. Brad Pitt was talking about this last
> night in his interview
> on Primetime Live. It reaches across all party lines
> and is being joined
> by liberals and conservatives of all religions and
> beliefs, all across
> the world. It calls for allocating an additional
> ONE percent of the
> U.S. budget toward providing basic needs like
> health, education, clean
> water and food, which would transform the futures
> and hopes of an entire
> generation of the poorest countries. The goal is for
> the US to continue
> to increase effective assistance until it meets the
> international
> commitment to give 0.7% of the national wealth.
> If you would like to join, you can sign your name to
> the Declaration (by
> clicking on the designated URL on the ONE home page)
> and also purchase
> 10 white ONE bracelets for $10.00. Wearing this
> bracelet can help to
> spread the word about this worldwide effort. And
> you can pass the other
> bracelets along to friends. If each one tells one
> (or more), the word
> will spread quickly. This organization is showing
> that when our
> governments don't respond to these needs, then WE,
> THE PEOPLE can and
> will take up the cause. Thank God for famous people
> with consciences
> like Bono, Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie, etc. who are
> using their fame and
> fortune to help others. Here is an opportunity to
> join them and really
> make a difference in the world.

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