Monday, June 06, 2005

New Pope Condemns Practically Everything

> Well, well, what a BIG surprise!! (Not)
> Pope Benedict says: No condoms may be used by
> Catholics in third-world
> countries where AIDS is rampant. No condoms may be
> used by couples who
> already have many children and cannot afford to
> support more. No
> abortions are allowed (of course)--not even in rape
> cases. In case of
> confusion over his rules, for safety's sake, you may
> practice No sex at
> all. (It appears that is what he is suggesting for
> all
> Catholics--perhaps he should suggest the same thing
> for his pedophile
> priests whom he has protected so fiercely in the
> past.) No divorce (not
> even if your spouse is abusing you or threatening to
> kill you). No
> living together before marriage. No sex before
> marriage. And certainly
> no homosexual liaisons--ever! It doesn't matter if
> you were born a
> homosexual. It doesn't matter if you are unable to
> change your sexual
> orientation. If you are of the "wrong" sexual
> orientation ("wrong" as
> determined by Pope Benedict), you will have to live
> without sex or a
> partner or children for your entire life.
> Let's see....what else can he ban for "good"
> Catholics? (how many of
> those do you suppose will be left, practicing all of
> his edicts?) I
> know!....he could ban sexual thoughts and form a
> "Thought Police" corps
> composed of the pedophile priests who are not being
> allowed back into
> parish priesthood. They, above all others, would be
> sure to know what
> sexual thoughts consist of.
> Since he is such a purist (but who knows what
> happens behind the closed
> Papal doors?), he will probably live a long life.
> Just as we are stuck
> with Bush for 4 more years, the Catholics will be
> stuck with Benedict
> for as many more years as he can manage to hang on
> to earth life.
> Between Bush and Benedict, the pendulum has
> certainly swung us all the
> way back into a period of Victorian "morals" and
> "ethics." I hope all
> the Bush and Benedict supporters enjoy their heroes'
> reigns. The rest
> of us will have to endure them.
> However, I have a feeling there is going to be an
> even bigger depletion
> in the numbers of Catholics than we have already
> seen in the last decade
> or two. I suspect most Catholics are now living with
> their fingers
> crossed behind their backs as they try to stay
> within the ranks of the
> "holy" while practicing birth control, etc. I
> predict the number of
> church closings will increase....and within another
> generation (perhaps
> sooner) the Catholic Church will disappear
> altogether, for want of
> members. The way things are going, it seems the
> only alternative to
> that would be the disobedience of parish priests of
> their Rome master,
> in allowing gays, divorced people, women who have
> had abortions, and
> people living together "in sin" to be church members
> in good standing,
> notwithstanding the orders of the Pope. But why
> would anyone want to
> stay in a church with such harsh Draconian
> rules/dogmas that they will
> not obey or (in the case of priests) enforce?
> Either way, the Catholic
> Church hierarchy is losing its cult-like grip on its
> membership. Unless
> another humble and liberal pope like John XXIII
> appears soon on its
> horizon, its demise is assured. Perhaps that is the
> real meaning of the
> "Third Secret" of Fatima.??? Or the St. Malachy
> prophecies which allow
> for only one more pope after this one.???
> Just my own opinion, of course. You may or may not
> agree.
Reuters News Article

Print this article Close This Window Pope
condemns gay marriages as 'anarchy'
Mon Jun 6, 2005 02:49 PM ET

ROME (Reuters) - Pope Benedict, in his first
clear pronouncement on gay marriages since his
election, on Monday condemned same-sex unions as fake
and expressions of "anarchic freedom" that threatened
the future of the family.
The Pope, who was elected in April, also
condemned divorce, artificial birth control, trial
marriages and free-style unions, saying all of these
practices were dangerous for the family.
"Today's various forms of dissolution of
marriage, free unions, trial marriages as well as the
pseudo-matrimonies between people of the same sex are
instead expressions of anarchic freedom which falsely
tries to pass itself off as the true liberation of
man," he said.
The Pope spoke to families at Rome's St. John's
Cathedral on an issue that has become highly
controversial around the world, particularly in
Europe and the United States.
In April, parliament in traditionally Catholic
Spain gave initial approval to a law legalizing gay
marriage. It is widely expected to be approved by the
Senate and to become law.
But just last week, California's Assembly
killed off a bill that would have allowed gay
marriage in the most populous U.S. state.
The Pope, who as Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger
headed the Vatican's doctrinal department for more
than two decades, said "pseudo freedoms" such as gay
marriages were based on what he called the
"banalisation of the human body" and of man himself

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