Friday, June 17, 2005

Politics - 'Downing Street memo' spotlighted in Congress -

> This article was in the Sacramento Bee today...It's
> an online article,
> so I don't know how prominently it was featured in
> the paper edition,
> but it definitely was not front page headlines.
> Note also the demeaning
> adjectives put in to lessen the story's
> impact...."in a tiny room in the
> Capitol" "to a small audience"... etc., etc. Their
> way of saying, "Pay
> no attention to this,'s not worthy of
> note."
> Can you imagine the NY Times bureau chief saying,
> "the revelations did
> not seem like a bolt from the blue"? And the
> Washington Post
> spokesperson saying he "didn't really see there was
> anything new in
> it."?!!! A smoking gun that proves the war was
> engineered by Bush and
> agreed to by Blair....and this isn't important
> news?!!! Yes, we knew
> about it was obvious to all but the
> enthusiastic flag wavers
> (and there were millions of them--"Hey, a good
> war--that's what we
> need! How exciting!!! Bring out the bands!!!) that
> BushCo was attacking
> Iraq on neocon plans made far before 9/11 and was
> selling the American
> people a terrible bill of goods. That bill of goods
> was suspected by
> many of our senators and representatives, but, like
> all politicians,
> they feared for their images (and votes) if they
> were to protest a war
> supposedly being fought against the terrorists of
> 9/11. The up-in-arms
> and naively unaware people of our country had been
> sold that deception
> by BushCo, and there was no convincing them
> many of the
> politicians, although knowing better, went along to
> get along. More's
> the pity, but that is the consciousness of the
> breed.
> But here is documented PROOF that we were all lied
> to! At the very
> least, an investigation should be called!!! This is
> an impeachable high
> crime!!! But no...all is seems the
> journalists of today
> only get excited if a President lies about an affair
> with an
> intern....and pursue and hound him to the ends of
> the earth about it.
> But taking our country to a seemingly endless war on
> lies....hey, that's
> not anything to get excited about.
> More fun and games coming to you from the Alice in
> Wonderland Upside
> Down World of Bush-run America.
> EXCERPT: At the panel in the Capitol, House
> Democrats asked why the
> memo had gotten so little attention from the U.S.
> news media.
> Though many major U.S. newspapers and broadcast
> outlets were fully aware
> of the British memo, few reported on it at any
> length. Some editors have
> subsequently offered explanations.
> Philip Taubman, Washington bureau chief for the New
> York Times, said in
> an account written by the newspaper's public editor
> that "given what has
> been reported about war planning in Washington, the
> revelations about
> the Downing Street meeting did not seem like a bolt
> from the blue."
> Glenn Frankel, London bureau chief for the
> Washington Post, said,
> according to an account published in the Post, that
> he "could not
> initially confirm the memo's authenticity and
> 'didn't really see that
> there was anything new in it.' "
> The Post's ombudsman, Michael Getler, wrote that he
> had been "deluged"
> with e-mails prompted by liberal groups and said he
> was "amazed" that it
> took the Post two weeks to follow up on the London
> Times report,
> according to a story in the Post.
> The Associated Press, which many U.S. newspapers
> rely upon heavily for
> foreign coverage, virtually ignored the memo after
> its London
> publication. Deborah Stewart, AP's international
> editor, said in a
> reported statement: "There is no question AP dropped
> the ball in not
> picking up on the Downing Street memo sooner."

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