Tempest in the TEA Pot (exposing dissension and rancor in the ranks):
A speaker at a tea party event in Texas recently suggested that anti-tax lobbyist Grover Norquist was a secret Muslim because “he has a beard.”
In a video posted by the Far North Dallas Tea Party on Thursday, Texas Eagle Forum President and former Chairman of the Texas Republican Party Cathie Adams presented evidence that Norquist was part of a “stealth jihad” in the United States.
Adams said that Norquist, who is married to a Muslim woman, was “trouble with a capital ‘T’” because “he’s showing signs of converting to Islam himself.”
“As you see, he has a beard,” she pointed out. “He’s married a Muslim woman. But he denies that he has converted himself. He denies that.”
“He and Karl Rove are very good friends. I don’t like Karl Rove, and I certainly don’t like Grover Norquist.”
Adams went on to suggest that CIA Director John Brennan could also be a secret Muslim.
“Where is the outcry?” she asked. “Thank God that Ted Cruz is now in the United States Senate!” (Oh yes, heaven knows we need more Neanderthals like Cruz in the Senate!)
Norquist, along with conservative activist Suhail Khan, are often labeled as stealth Muslims by Islamaphobic conservative activists led by Pamela Geller, Frank Gaffney and Robert Spencer, most recently at at 2013 CPAC panel.
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