An urgent message from Eileen to all my friends and fellow earth residents | |
There is one safeguard known generally to the wise, which is an advantage and security to all, but especially to democracies as against despots.
What is it? Distrust. --Demosthenes
Whenever the people are well-informed, they can be trusted with their own government.
--Thomas Jefferson
The worst forms of tyranny, or certainly the most successful ones, are not those we rail against but those that so insinuate themselves into the imagery of our consciousness, and the fabric of our lives, as not to be perceived as tyranny.
--Michael Parenti
The truth that makes men free is for the most part the truth which men prefer not to hear.
--Herbert Sebastien Agar
this one makes my hair stand on end, because our "free" press and many of our elected and selected government leaders believe it to be true and follow it assiduously:
"We live in a dirty and dangerous world. There are some things the general public does not need to know, and shouldn't. I believe democracy flourishes when the government can take legitimate steps to keep its secrets and when the press can decide whether to print what it knows."
--Katherine Graham, late owner of the Washington Post: Speech to CIA recruits in 1988
My dear friends,
I believe it is important for us all to be aware of and alert to what is going on around us. If we keep our noses to the grindstone and never look up to notice what our government and its representatives may be doing for or to us, we may inadvertently allow ourselves to be used as human guinea pigs by the government. This has happened in smaller ways throughout our recent past history (look up the words MK Ultra in may be amazed at the true facts presented on this atrocity that our CIA did to its own members). I have also included information at the end of this e-mail for you to peruse at your leisure, telling how Americans have been misused and abused by our own government through the years, being subjected to harmful medical and other experiments they were conducting without our knowledge.
Now, TODAY, in these present days, I believe we the people--as a whole--are being subjected to chemical spraying, which has been ongoing above our heads since 1998--and which most of us still remain unaware of, even though many people are claiming illness as a result of breathing in the toxic spray. We at least need to look up in our skies and see what is taking place there.
Look at the photos below. From all that I have learned on the subject, I believe chemtrails are being used in some way as a misguided effort by world governments to stem global warming. I think the government leaders bought into the plan proposed by the late Dr. Edward Teller (the "father" of the H-bomb) at a scientific meeting in Italy. He proposed that the skies of the world should be sprayed with aluminum and barium particulates in order to deflect some of the sun's UV rays from the earth's surface. See for this information. I believe it is possible that the western world governments have adopted this course (which began in 1998), without telling the citizenry (who no doubt would have protested and not allowed such spraying of chemicals in the skies above us). Air controllers have informed us (under anonymity, of course--or they would be fired or worse) that, at times, they have had to reroute regular aircraft in order to accommodate the military jets who are doing the spraying. A good informational site in which many questions are addressed is If you are at all skeptical of what I am saying here, please go into this site and just read a bit about it.
I urge everyone on my e-mail list to just keep looking up in the sky as the days go by and watch for these chemtrails being laid down (see photos below). It won't take long for you to see them, as they are being sprayed frequently all over the western world. I live in Sacramento and see them frequently here, as well as in many other northern California areas where I travel. Last month, when I was in upstate New York, the skies were sprayed there many times during my 3-week stay. Reports and photographs have come in from all over the western world over the years. Europeans are used to seeing them as often as we Americans do. Even Australians have reported chemtrails in their skies. Most people have accepted these strange emissions from high military jets as "normal contrails." But normal contrails disappear within a few minutes. Chemtrails do not disappear. Instead, they grow larger, burgeoning outwards, spreading murky, oily gray sheets of cloud-like chemical cover completely over the blue skies.
To make it easier for you to recognize chemtrails, here are some photographs taken over Albuquerque, New Mexico by a photographer, during a chemtrail spraying.
Once you have viewed these photos, you may want to go to --a site put together by a scientific observer of this phenomena for many years. Clifford Carnicom has done us all a service by doing the necessary investigative and testing work to determine what chemtrails are composed of. His site is filled with scientific information, as well as petitions you can sign and send to your congressional representatives about this subject. We need to let our representatives know that we the people are aware and cannot be taken advantage of! It is unconscionable that this spraying has been undertaken by our government and other world governments without the consent or knowledge of the people of earth. The only representative in our government who has even addressed the subject is Dennis Kucinich, who added the word "chemtrails" into a bill proposal. That word was immediately taken out by the powers-that-be as the bill went up the hierarchichal ladder for review.
Here are the tell-tale tic-tac-toe designs often seen in our skies now. A high-altitude military jet was photographed as it was laying down the trails.

Following are some true facts that may curl your hair as you learn what our government has been capable of doing to its citizens in the past. Please pass this e-mail along to your friends as an alert. If we don't arm and protect ourselves with knowledge and awareness, who will? Personally, I believe it is the duty of all citizens to be politically aware. But, even if we are not politically inclined, certainly we should be concerned about and protective of the health and future of our children and grandchildren.
Thanks for listening--for reading--and for taking action against chemtrails by sending a message to our country's leaders and signing the petition on Clifford Carnicom's web site.
November 21, 1996: Energy Secretary Hazel O'Leary announced this week that the government would pay $4.8 million to the families of 12 human "guinea pigs" who were injected with plutonium and uranium -- without their knowledge or consent -- during secret government experiments in the 1940s.
In announcing the settlement, O'Leary said the government was "grateful" to the victims for "the tough lessons they have taught us about trust, responsibility, and accountability between the government and the people."
" "The government should not be able to buy its way out of responsibility by paying off victims with taxpayers' money," said Steve Dasbach, chairman of America's third-largest political party, the Libertarians. "Instead, attempted murder charges should be filed against the politicians who approved secret radioactivity, chemical, and biological experiments on innocent Americans...The real lesson this case teaches is: Government can't be trusted," said Dasbach. "If politicians have power over our lives, they will abuse it. And the more power we give politicians, the more they abuse it. If nothing else, this tragic case should end the myth that such atrocities can't happen in America."
Despite the $4.8 million payoff, lawsuits continue to pile up from as many as 20,000 other individuals who are demanding compensation by the government for biochemical experiments conducted in the 1940s, '50s, and '60s, according to news reports.
But that's just the tip of the iceberg, noted Dasbach.
A Congressional subcommittee hearing in Washington, DC on September 28, 1994 revealed that up to 500,000 Americans were endangered by secret defense-related tests between 1940 and 1974 -- including covert experiments with radioactive materials, mustard gas, LSD, and biological agents. For example, between 1949 and 1969, the Army released radioactive compounds in 239 cities to study the effects, according to General Accounting Office testimony the hearings.
Other secret tests were conducted on prisoners, terminally ill patients, military personnel, hospital patients -- even children. At the time of the hearings, GAO officials stressed that the number of victims might increase, as new information was uncovered from Pentagon, CIA, NASA, and Energy Department files.
The Committee had its origins when public controversy developed surrounding human radiation experiments that were conducted half a century ago. In November 1993, the Albuquerque Tribune published a series of articles that, for the first time, publicly revealed the names of Americans who had been injected with plutonium, the man-made material that was a key ingredient of the atom bomb. Reporter Eileen Welsome put a human face to what had previously been anonymous data published in official reports and technical journals. "As World War II was ending," she wrote, "Doctors in the United States injected a number of hospitalized patients with plutonium, very likely without their knowledge or consent. The injections were part of a group of experiments to determine how plutonium courses through the human body. The experiments, and the very existence of plutonium, were shrouded in secrecy."
From April 1945 to July 1947, men, women, and children were injected with plutonium by doctors working with the Manhattan Project. None of the subjects was told what was being done, and none gave informed consent. They were chosen because the doctors believed them to be mortally ill, although many lived for years, even decades, with the plutonium working its damage in their system.
The experiments were covered up for 40 years: When they became public, the government apologized but not a single doctor or hospital was publicly blamed. The plutonium injections ended after 27 months, having achieved little.
But other experiments, for the Manhattan Project and the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC), continued into the 1970s. In Nashville, scientists at Vanderbilt University gave pregnant women radioactive cocktails. Prisoners in Oregon and Washington had their testicles radiated with neutrons. At the University of Cincinnati, nearly 200 patients were irradiated over a 15-year period. In Massachusetts, 74 boys at a Dickensian state school for unwanted or homeless boys were fed oatmeal laced with radioactive iron or calcium. The University of Chicago, one of the three sites for the plutonium injections, also fed solutions of strontium and cesium to 102 subjects with the assistance of Argonne National Laboratory. Again, no one told the victims what was going on, nor did anyone ask their consent.
The purpose of the experiments was to judge the effect of radioactivity on the human body. When they began, the Manhattan Project was close to exploding the first atomic bomb. Employees at Oak Ridge and Los Alamos worked with radioactive materials, yet no one knew the long-term effects of radiation on healthy people or on their genes and reproductive capacities. Experiments on animals were inconclusive and unsatisfactory. To protect the health of atomic workers, it was decided to begin human experiments.
On reading the articles about these atrocities, Secretary of Energy Hazel O'Leary expressed shock, first to her staff, and then in response to a question posed at a press conference. She was particularly concerned because the Department of Energy had its earliest origins in the agencies responsible for building the atomic bomb and sponsoring the plutonium experiments. During the Cold War, these agencies had continued to do much of their work in the twilight zone between openness and secrecy. Now, the Cold War was over. The time had come, Secretary O'Leary determined, to make public anything that remained to be told about the plutonium experiments.
Subsequent press reports soon noted that the plutonium injections were not the only human radiation experiments that had been conducted during the war and the decades that followed. In Massachusetts, the press reported that members of the "science club" at the Fernald School for the Retarded had been fed oatmeal containing minute amounts of radioactive material. In Ohio, news articles revived an old controversy about University of Cincinnati researchers who had been funded by the Defense Department to gather data on the effects of "total-body irradiation" on cancer patients. In the Northwest, the papers retold the story of Atomic Energy Commission funding of researchers to irradiate the testicles of inmates in Oregon and Washington prisons in order to gain knowledge for use in government programs. The virtually forgotten 1986 report prepared by a subcommittee headed by U.S. Representative Edward Markey, "American Nuclear Guinea Pigs: Three Decades of Radiation Experiments on U.S. Citizens," was also recalled to public attention.
Coincidentally, the fact that the environment had also been used as a secret laboratory became a subject of controversy. A November 1993 congressional report uncovered 13 cases in which government agencies had intentionally released radiation into the environment without notifying the affected populations. At various times, tests were conducted in Tennessee, Utah, New Mexico, and Washington State.
Senator John Glenn understood the importance of national security, but he found it "inconceivable... that, even at the height of the communist threat, some of our scientists and doctors and military and perhaps political leaders approved some of these experiments to be conducted on an unknowing and unwitting public."
Were all the human radiation experiments done in secret? Are any secret or controversial studies still ongoing?
Scientists and science journalists pointed out that some of the highly publicized experiments had long ago been the subject of technical journal articles, even press accounts, and were old news; other commentators countered that, for most of the public, articles in technical journals might as well be secret.
How, why, and from what population groups were subjects selected for experiments? Some suspected that subjects were disproportionately chosen from the most vulnerable populations -- children, hospitalized patients, the retarded, the poor -- those too powerless to resist the government and its researchers.
How many intentional releases took place, and how many people were unknowingly put at risk? The answer here was sketchy; the releases identified in the November 1993 Glenn report had all been performed in secret, and much information about them was still secret.
What did our government and the medical researchers it sponsored do to ensure that the subjects were informed of what would be done to them and that they were given meaningful opportunities to consent? Today, federal government rules require the prior review of proposed experiments, to ensure that the risks and potential benefits have been considered and that subjects will be adequately informed and given the opportunity to consent. But the standards of today, many historians and scholars of medical ethics noted, are not those of yesterday. Others, however, declared that it was self-evident that no one should be experimented upon without his or her voluntary consent.
Panel Releases Report on Human Radiation Experiments (1995)
Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment allowed subjects to die even though penicillin was available to treat them
Syphilis: Highly contagious disease caused by the spirochete Treponema pallidum. Disease may be acquired or congenital. In acquired syphilis, T. Pallidum enters the body through skin or mucous membranes, usually during sexual contact. Congenital syphilis is transmitted to the fetus from the infected mother when the spirochete penetrates the placenta.
Syphilis is a systemic disease, involving tissues throughout the body. After initial penetration, the spirochetes multiply rapidly. First they enter the lymph capillaries where they are transported to the nearest lymph gland. There they multiply and are released into the blood stream. Within days the spirochetes invade every part of the body. Three stages mark the progression of the disease; primary, secondary, and tertiary.
Primary Stage: 10-60 days after infection. Primary lesion usually appears at point of contact, usually genitals. Typically a painless, slightly elevated, round ulcer, the chancre may be so small as to elude detection. Barring secondary infection, chancre will heal without treatment within 30-60 days leaving a scar the persists for several months.
Secondary Stage: 6 weeks to 6 months. Appearance of rash resembling measles, chicken pox, or any number of skin eruptions. Pain in bones and joints and cardiac palpitations may develop. Fever, indigestion, headaches may accompany rash. In some cases, highly infectious, spirochete-laden ulcers may appear in mouth. Scalp hair may drop out in patches, creating "moth-eaten" appearance.
Tertiary Stage: Appearance of gummy or rubbery tumors, resulting from spirochete concentration in body tissue. On the skin, these often coalesce into large, encrusted ulcers consisting of several layers of dry, exuded matter. Tumors may be absorbed, leaving slight, scarred depressions, or may cause wholesale destruction of bone resulting in mutilation when nasal and palate bones are eaten away.
The presence of T. Pallidum in cerebrospinal may cause neurosyphilis, which may take several forms, including general softening of the brain, resulting in paralysis and insanity, as well as Tabes dorsalis, a degeneration of the spinal cord, causing a stumbling, foot-stamping gait. Can also cause irreversible blindness, or the 8th cranial nerve, inflicting permanent deafness.
Tumors may also attack and weaken the walls of heart or blood vessels. Heart valves may no longer open and close properly, resulting in leakage. The stretching vessel walls may produce an aortic aneurysm, a balloonlike bulge. If the bulge bursts, as often is the case, the result is sudden death.
In 1932 the United States Public Health Service (PHASE), in cooperation with the Tuskegee Institute, initiated a study in Macon County, Alabama to determine the effects of untreated syphilis. The study would last until 1970 and follow 399 black men diagnosed with syphilis.
In order to ensure that they would not be treated, which became increasingly difficult with the discovery and widespread use of penicillin after 1943, local physicians, draft boards and PHS venereal disease eradication programs were given a list of the "subjects."
The men, the most educated of whom completed 7th grade, were told they were being treated for "bad blood," a term the white doctors claimed was a synonym for syphilis in the black community. One participant responded, "That could be true. But I have never heard no such thing."
In reality, the only treatment the men received was aspirin (what the doctors chose to call "pink medicine") and an iron supplement. Having previously encountered little or no health care, the participants were delighted. "They were always glad to see us," one doctor recalled, explaining how the men showed their gratitude by giving the "government doctors" gifts. "They brought cornbread, cookies, whatever they could make, and they were very, very pleased if you ate it -- most pleased."
In order to chart the progression of the disease, the subjects were frequently, under the guise of treatment, required to give blood samples. They also were subjected to a procedure known as the "lumbar puncture" to diagnose neural syphilis.
To obtain a sample of fluid, a large needle was inserted directly into the spinal canal. This procedure was painful, and patients often suffered severe headaches. In rare cases, it can result in paralysis or even death.
Fearing word of "Dr. Vonderlehr's golden needle treatments," as the doctors referred to it, would discourage participation, whole regions were done at a time, and letters were sent out promising "Special Free Treatment" and warning "Last Chance for Special Examination."
Other inducements were free hot meals, the illusion of free medical care, an award certificate signed by the surgeon general, and a $50 burial stipend. For people living below the poverty line, a third of whom lived in shacks without plumbing, these were no small rewards.
The burial stipend was created as a solution to the problem of obtaining permission for autopsies, an important part of the study. Local doctors were relied upon to contact PHS in the event of death of a subject. This system worked well because the doctors were so honored to be participating in a national study.
Due to media exposure, the study was halted in 1970. By that time, at least 28 and perhaps as many as 100 had died as a direct result of complications caused by syphilis.
In December of 1974, the government agreed to pay approximately $10 million in an out of court settlement: $37,500 per participant. A year earlier, it had offered free medical care to the surviving participants and their families, many of whom had contracted the disease congenitally.
For obvious reasons, the survivors preferred compensatory funds with which to hire their own physicians.
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