Sunday, June 23, 2013

Michael Hastings and the FBI

We don't like to think of things like the following. As good and loyal Americans, we wave our flags and try to believe we are living in "the land of the free and the brave." But we can't ignore forever what is happening all around us. There are still a few brave reporters in our country, but their number is diminishing rapidly.  Michael Hastings is a case in point.

Standing up to power in today's world is a very dangerous endeavor.  It is now being revealed that brave, truth-telling reporter Michael Hastings was being probed by the FBI, was frightened, and had reached out to Wikileaks for help/protection. Hastings was on an important story about military general Petraeus.  Well, God knows we can't have any more of that kind of truth reporting!  It might be contagious, and things are getting out of hand with people like Assange, Manning and Snowden running around trying to get truth out to the public.  Something had to be done -- and was.  Hastings was killed in a terrible fiery one-car "accident" a couple days ago.

Of course, regarding Hastings and their investigation of him, the FBI denies everything.  Of course.  Of course.

Watch the following videos of angry journalists reporting Hastings' death and fearfully proposing and then skirting around what they obviously are thinking--that he was killed to shut him up:

For anyone who has a hard time believing what the shadow government (military/industrial/media complex) is capable of in shutting up "annoying" people, I recommend the book Into the Buzzsaw, in which U. S. journalists tell of many important true stories that were not allowed to be published, no matter how hard they tried to report them. We live in a controlled-news society If curious and interested, you can read reviews about this book and order it at:

Amazon blurb about Into the Buzzsaw:
Critics described the first edition of this highly acclaimed book as "fascinating and disturbing," "uplifting" and "infuriating," as well as a "penetrating collection of powerful essays." This highly acclaimed book won the National Press Club’s Arthur Rowse Award for Press Criticism and was selected by the New York Public Library as one of the most extraordinary titles of 2002.

This expanded and updated edition of 2004, edited by former CBS and CNN producer Kristina Borjesson, is more timely and relevant than ever. Several new essays have been added, while others have been updated, revealing shocking new developments.

In the lead chapter, CBS’s top correspondent, Dan Rather, describes in chilling terms how the pressure to be patriotic compelled him and other journalists to censor themselves.

MSNBC’s Ashleigh Banfield speaks frankly about the critical difference between coverage and real journalism and how failing to report all sides of a story has created a very dangerous environment of ignorance.

Former Fox Network producer Charles Reina exposes details of how the news billed as "Fair and Balanced" is also a political tool that is shaped daily via an executive memo distributed electronically to Fox’s news staff every morning, addressing what stories will be covered and often suggesting how they should be covered.

A new chapter on Iraq by investigative reporter Charlotte Dennett presents a riveting angle on the subject that no one in the press has dared to examine — until now.

Pulitzer nominee John Kelly writes a troubling update on recent deadly CIA operations carried out as part of the War on Terrorism.

Jane Akre’s update on the precedent-setting outcome of her legal fight with Fox News over her investigation of Monsanto’s bovine growth hormone will unsettle, if not anger, journalists and the general public alike.

Kristina Borjesson’s new introduction examines how issues of censorship have, since the 9/11 tragedy and Into the Buzzsaw’s initial release, become front-page news on an almost daily basis.

Indeed, many journalists and increasing numbers of the general public view the control, suppression, manipulation, and distortion of information in news to have reached a crisis level — to the point of posing a significant threat to a free American society.

Among the other contributors are: CBS’s award winning investigative producer Helen Malmgren; veteran investigative journalist and author of DuPont: Behind the Nylon Curtain Gerard Colby; veteran print journalist and editor David Hendrix; founder and Director Emeritus of Project Censored Carl Jensen; former DEA agent-turned-journalist and best-selling author Michael Levine; author or editor of seven books, including Rich Media, Poor Democracy, Robert McChesney; award-winning CBS documentary producer Maurice Murad; independent investigative reporter and author of the current bestseller The Best Democracy Money Can Buy Greg Palast; New York Daily News investigative reporter J. Robert Port; Emmy Award-winning producer and author Monika Jensen-Stevenson; Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter Gary Webb; and New York Observer columnist Philip Weiss.


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