Good article from Natural News:
EXCERPT:The dark side of Apple...just as the cancer industry is a greed-driven monstrosity that incessantly seeks profits at the expense of others, Apple has increasingly become a corporation that has routinely chosen for-profit domination over public service. This is not so much about Steve Jobs himself as it is about those who surrounded him and ultimately exploited his talents for their own selfish agendas.
Apple iPhones, for example, were recently exposed as secret tracking devices that record your location and upload that data back to Apple headquarters (
By any honest account, Apple operates today with a mindset of total monopolistic domination, requiring apps to be sold through its iTunes, where Apple takes an unfair cut of every sale. In fact, Apple has come to very much resemble the Orwellian Big Brother image that once made it famous in its January 22, 1984 Superbowl ad, which positioned Apple's Macintosh computer as freeing people from tyranny. Watch that ad at:
What's so striking about this commercial is that, in many ways, Apple has become the very thing it once claimed to oppose -- domineering control, automaton conformity, and centralized command over the expression of musicians and programmers alike. The text of the ad says, "On January 24th, Apple Computer will introduce Macintosh. And you'll see why 1984 won't be like "1984."
Thanks to companies like Apple, 2011 sure is a lot like 1984. A clever response to all this appears in a parody video that pits Steve Jobs in that "1984" video as a way to show that Apple acts more like Big Brother with each passing day:
Anyone who has ever owned an iPhone knows all about being locked into a technology from which there is no free choice to do what you want with it. Why aren't iPhones sold as "unlocked" from the get-go? Why do you have to hack your own phone just to free it from Apple's domineering control? And why does your phone track your every move even without your permission or knowledge?
In fairness, this is almost certainly due to the greedy business types who surrounded Steve Jobs, and not Jobs himself. Jobs always seemed to be more of a humanitarian, but his concepts for innovation inevitably got swept up into the circus of profit.
Live by principle, because that's the only thing you take with you
The more you look into the story of Steve Jobs and Apple, the deeper it all gets. And that brings us back to Steve Jobs and the topic of principles and ethics. All the wealth in the world couldn't save Steve Jobs from cancer, of course.Here's a question for you: In his final days of life, would Steve Jobs have traded every bit of wealth he owned for a healthy new liver and pancreas? You bet he would! And yet he couldn't. Because it doesn't work that way. When it comes to organ health, there are no second chances. You're given one set of organs to live with, and if you can't figure out how to take care of those with nutrition, healthy foods and avoidance of environmental toxins, all the money in the world can't save you.
Importantly, you don't take money with you when you die, so collecting dollars or cars or even gold is little more than a short-term distraction set in the physical world. What you do take is a karmic record of your actions; a "universal log file" of your principles and ethics, if you will. And that's what matters in whatever experience or reality awaits us beyond this one, whether you believe in Heaven, or reincarnation, or ascension to a higher plane of existence.
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