Tuesday, October 11, 2011

William Rivers Pitt: They're Scared


This is an excellent article by Pitt, but I don't think the Wall Street billionaires are scared enough yet. They still own the federal government, including Congress and the President--and the mainstream press. Right now, I think they see the 99% protestors as annoying little ants they can just brush off or step on. And, as the numbers of protestors increase, when they do get scared enough, they will figure out devious, perhaps terrorist tactics (because they ARE the real terrorists in our midst), to stop the protestors. These people are out-and-out sociopaths, with no conscience -- and a burning, no-holds-barred determination to acquire more and more wealth on the backs of the middle class and poor. Eric Cantor is one of their bought-and-paid-for spokesmen. Ya' gotta' laugh through your tears at his hypocrisy as he speaks of "class warfare," saying,
"Believe it or not, some in this town have actually condoned the pitting of Americans against Americans." (Gee, ya' think so, Eric? Ever look in a mirror?) This despicable conniving Tea Party apologist proves his sociopathic nature by being able to say those words without choking to death on them. Anyone with even a grain of self-introspection, after all he has said and done in his manipulative use of the Tea Party for his own aims, would have felt great shame in even thinking those words. But not Cantor -- or others of his ilk. They are like zombies with dollar signs in their eyes, blinded by their own greed and power lust. Well, at least--being a Jew (of the conservative type, of course)--he doesn't identify himself as a "compassionate" Christian. And he's proven he has no conscience.
