This article should be read by everyone. It shows how the wealthy oligarchs plan far ahead and then set their ideological plans in motion, step by step, joining forces with each other, as needed, along the way (i.e., Art Pope and George Soros). Of course, you need tons of money to do this, but if you are a multi-millionaire or billionaire, it's really just pocket change to buy an entire state and change its ideology to match yours. It also helps if you have no conscience and are an out-and-out hypocrite. Read the following to find out how it is being done by Art Pope of North Carolina -- and the Koch brothers of Texas. The uncountable damage they are doing to our one-time democratic republic is a tragedy in the making --they are tearing down the foundations on which our country was established. These greed-and-power-driven men, so absorbed in creating ever more wealth and power for themselves, have no realization that, as they pull down the country's foundations, they are bringing themselves down with it. As Nina Landis, the Democratic activist, predicts, "we're just seeing the beginning of it all. Corporate money is taking over. People are going to wake up in a whole new state, and maybe a whole new country."
The author's observation about these manipulative Orwellian tactics is a prophecy that is bound to come true: "The Soviet Union collapsed on its own failed ideology. It collapsed like a fragile house of cards. The same thing could happen here, as the failed ideas lose their power over us. You can’t PR away joblessness, debt-slavery and failure this massive. It happened in a far more tightly-controlled environment than ours. It can happen here too. You’d be surprised. So will they."
We are living in a Shakespearean tragedy that has been played out time and again, throughout history -- haven't we seen enough of these dramas to know that they all turn out badly in the end? Apparently not all of us have learned that lesson. Here we go again....
Saturday, October 08, 2011
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» How Art Pope became a Kingpin and bought the state of North Carolina
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