Friday, October 07, 2011
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» Some musings about autism and the fate of our species
Some musings about autism and the fate of our species
It's been of great interest to me that so many kids are now being diagnosed with autism. The cause has to be something environmental. We Earth humans are not good caretakers of our planet, and it is coming back to haunt us in many ways, not the least of which are these hundreds of thousands of autistic kids. Statistics now are that one in every 166 kids born these days is autistic. The prevalence is 4 to 5 times higher for boys than for girls. These estimates report that one in 70 boys and one in 315 girls have an autistic disorder. The average increase for boys over the last decade was 60% while the average increase for girls was 48%. These are alarming figures in increase, yet it seems not many are paying attention! I believe mercury poisoning is part of it. Mercury (thimerasol) was used in all vaccines -- but is now being phased out. And mercury levels in fish, especially, have increased to such a degree that there is no fish one can eat now that doesn't have mercury above what used to be considered "safe" levels. I don't eat fish anymore -- but now our other food choices are being polluted by radiation -- the Fukushima disaster was far worse than we have been told. The radiation has traveled all over the planet -- and America's west coast has received very high levels of radiation, which is now in our food and milk, and which we are continually breathing in, etc.
Oh well, once we humans have done ourselves in and entirely vanished from Earth, aliens can take over and clean up the planet...and tell stories about how stupid the previous occupants were in soiling their own nest -- and consigning themselves to oblivion. The stories will include how the Earth humans' ignorance was unimaginable to an intelligent species. They'll tell their children how the "ignorant ones" had cult-like belief systems called "religions" and how each cult defended their own belief system against those of the others through hatred, war and great violence, using nuclear weapons against each other, polluting the planet and poisoning their children. They'll point out that, even though the basis of all religions was "love" and "peace," the people ignored the tenets of their fiercely defended religions. They'll tell how the prophets who had brought the teachings to Earth were perplexed at the total misunderstanding of the people who, in the midst of praying to their imagined God-in-the-sky to shine blessings down on them, were all the while increasing their violent actions and unleashing terrible new weapons against each other.
They'll tell how Earth humans thought the color of one's skin was important, and since there were so many different skin colors on Earth, they formed hierarchical systems of gradation, usually with white as the preferred color -- and black as the least desirable color. All of the in-between colors jockeyed for position, each one thinking themselves to be the most desirable. They'll tell how the Earth humans coveted wealth and power, and actually valued metals like gold and silver over human life.
The story will include the sad tale of how these ignorant people, whose overall life span was so very short, actually spent most of their lives trying to acquire material possessions and attain power positions, rather than developing an interest in their own origins, or having any sense of curiosity as to who they really were. They were not spiritually inclined -- and didn't have a sense of wonder about their own real nature. Therefore, only a very few of them searched in that direction, and they were mostly ridiculed by the rest for "wasting their time on foolishness." Some of the people valued material wealth so much, they robbed and cheated and climbed all over the others in order to reach what they called "success." They formed big corporations that polluted the air and water -- and made unimaginable wealth for the very few at the top, while others were left to starve, ignored by those who had the wealth. Without understanding the oneness of all creation and the divine essence from which all life arises, they worshiped their own imagined creation of "God" in big churches and temples, and called themselves "good people," all the while destroying each other and the planet's ability to sustain life. Their forms of government were set up to enhance the lives of the wealthy, and the top positions in government were bought with corporate money. Only those who were sanctioned by the wealthy ever were (s)elected to serve in office. Bribes were the order of the day; thus, the so-called "democratic" types of government, supposed to be "of the people, by the people and for the people" were actually oligarchies, in which the people's welfare and needs were never considered. The wealthy reduced their own taxes, leaving the tax burden for all the others to carry. The few prospered while the many were consigned to poverty--and eventually just withered away.
The little alien kids, now residents of Earth, will listen in awe to this story and ask, "Didn't anyone notice that they were killing themselves off with such terrible behavior?" "Oh, yes," the parents will say -- "there were many warnings by those who were aware of what was happening, but those people were either ignored or called Marxists and Communists and other terrible names by the rich people who continued to pollute the planet until it -- and they -- died. After they were all gone, we took over the planet and brought it back to life, just as you see it today, with clean water and air and beautiful green trees, plants and flowers. The Earth humans didn't appreciate what they were given, and they didn't have the overall intelligence and wisdom to perpetuate their species, with love and charity and kindness, sharing with each other instead of fighting. They were a fearful and violent people, without the wisdom to recognize the oneness inherent in all creation. They didn't realize that what you do to others, you do to yourself. And so they are now extinct."
Hopefully, this won't be the tale left to be told about our planet. But the way we are going now, driven by greed and power-lust and violence against each other, we are catapulting ourselves into a territory from which there is no return.
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