Saturday, November 20, 2010

You call this Bi-Partisanship? Republicans refuse to meet with Obama

Talk about fiddling while Rome burns! The Republicans are worse than Nero. They have shown over and over that they have absolutely no interest in working with Obama. Their deliberately planned and continued disrespect for him and for the people of our country is beyond disgusting. They are spitting on the president and on the intentions of our forefathers who formed this country and wrote its Constitution. I call it treasonous. Defiantly turning their backs on the needs of the people and our country in a time of such economic peril, these bastards have no agenda to help us out! Their only agenda is to make Obama look bad and defeat him and anything he proposes, in every way possible. They are worse than liars, they are traitors to the people and should be jailed immediately.

But that will never happen. The Democrats and Obama, with their "gentlemen, let's shake hands across the aisle" demeanor, never seem to take offense at anything the Repugs do to them. The Republicans are using We the people to wipe their shoes on, and our president is too gentile to deal with the saddest excuse for a Congress in the entire history of our country! It's gotten so bad, even the New York Times has finally awakened from their stuporous slumber and realized the disaster the Republicans are bringing to our doorstep. The following editorial, making a meager protest (when it should have been huge!) appeared in their paper today:

With All Disrespect, Mr. President

By The New York Times | Editorial

19 November 10

There was supposed to be a bipartisan summit at the White House on Thursday, but only the Democrats showed up. The Republican leadership of the House and Senate somehow couldn't find any time in their schedules to meet with the president of the United States. If this is what cooperation and mutual respect is going to look like over the next two years, then settle in for more trench warfare and far less progress.

It has been more than two weeks since President Obama issued a postelection invitation for Congressional leaders to join him for dinner on Nov. 18 to discuss "how we can move the American people's agenda forward." Republicans left him hanging, refusing to commit to a date even as the office of Mitch McConnell, the Senate Republican leader, said he was encouraged that the president wanted to discuss areas of agreement.

On Wednesday, the Republicans, led by Mr. McConnell, said they just didn't have the time. They had discovered there was so much to do - new members to welcome and lots of other unspecified details. Besides, they said, the president should have asked for a mutually agreeable date instead of just inviting them. So the meeting was pushed back until Nov. 30.

As the Republicans know, that means less time to work out important compromises in the remaining lame-duck session on crucial issues like taxes, the nuclear arms treaty with Russia and extending unemployment insurance. So far, in fact, there has been zero interest in actual compromise on any of those issues, despite extended hands from the White House. On Thursday, House Republicans blocked a bill that would extend long-term unemployment insurance past the holidays.

Beyond the practical implications of this rudeness, there is an increasingly obvious lack of respect for the president and the presidency, with Republicans interpreting their electoral victory as a mandate to act with hubris. Steny Hoyer, the outgoing House majority leader, noted Thursday that he couldn't remember a single instance when Democrats did not change their schedule to accommodate a request to meet with President George W. Bush. Mr. McConnell has already made it clear that defeating Mr. Obama is more important than negotiating on legislation. Apparently, that also goes for snubbing Mr. Obama.
