Although her numbers are slipping, it's astounding (frighteningly so!) that fully 80% of Republicans seem to think she's great. Unbelievable! WHAT are they seeing when they look at her? -- and WHAT are they HEARING when she speaks? It's something entirely different from what the rest of us see and hear, that's for sure! But, then, these are the same people who voted for Bush and Cheney -- TWICE! -- and have now voted in some crazies from the Tea Party to serve in Congress and further obstruct any kind of helpful or meaningful changes in our country's plight (caused by Reagan, Bush, Cheney and their corporate pals). Pathetically, this is what we have come to in the 21st century. When they founded our country, I'm sure our forefathers never expected such a drastic lowering of intelligence in the voters to take place over the years, which has brought us to the sad state we are in now in 2010.
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