Saturday, November 20, 2010

Glenn Beck followers: WANT TO TRY TRUTH FOR A CHANGE?

It would be nice if some of the rabid right-wingers who get their "news" from FOX would lift their eyes for just a moment from the likes of Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh and hear some real facts for a change.  I don't expect that to happen, and they will continue with their beliefs that communism/Marxism is taking over their "beloved" country under a black president whom they despise, racially and politically.  They refuse to see how their Republican Congressional representatives are obstructing economic help for the country--and for themselves.  Even the millionaires are telling Obama, "Please tax us at a higher rate."  But the Republicans, by-and-large tied and glued to corporate interests, won't give up the money they receive from lobbyists. Bought and paid for...and who gives a damn about the little people?  Certainly, not them. As one reader commented on Rachel Maddow's recent talk at Harvard's Kennedy School (you can hear audio of it at: ), Rachel is a gift. She is not afraid to point out the lies that the pols tell and their hypocrisy. No one in the mainstream media has been willing to do that. "Fair and Balanced" as the Fox motto claims is BS. Fair and balanced is to report the truth, and to point out the arguments that are total crap. To report in the vein that both sides are equally valid when one side is spouting total bullshit and lies and misrepresenting the facts is not good reporting. It is crap being fed to us by the truckload.

Here's a Rachel Maddow comment for them to hear, should the right wingers actually want to try truth for a change:

By Heather, (the video can be seen on this site)

Rachel Maddow asks fear monger Glenn Beck to leave the IAVA the hell alone. Glenn Beck painted the non-partisan veterans group as an evil union supporting, George Soros, radical, communist organization that is "duping" people into supporting our veterans returning home from war. It's just shameless what Beck did and Rachel who normally doesn't want to weigh into the fray of Beck's madness finally had enough of it and spoke out on her show this week.

MADDOW: Thank you so much for standing guard against these communists masquerading as a veterans organization, that are using you for their communist purposes. Thank you for standing guard against these communists who are duping you; these communists over at Iraq and Afghanistan's of America.

There are people all over America today who listen to Glenn Beck who know believe that IAVA is a communist front group because Glenn Beck said so. IAVA is not a communist front group. They do not feed veterans who march in parades with them as part of a communist plot to dupe veterans into becoming communists.

They do not take money from Move On or any other Fox News boogy men more boogiesh than me. But even if they did it would still be the patriotic equivalent of a mortal sin to do what Glenn Beck did this week when he randomly and at length and in totally made up tale, launched this 100% false attack on Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, a nonpartisan group that does nothing wrong and does nothing like what all of Glenn Beck's listeners now think they do.

I generally try to be of good cheer when it comes to people being dumb in the media but this is more than dumb. This is disgusting. Leave... the... veterans... alone.

What's really pitiful is that the likes of Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh and the rest of the right wing hate talkers are allowed to continue to pollute our airways instead with no push back so their listeners are aware that they're lying to them. I really believe we need some new form of The Fairness Doctrine out there that does not stifle free speech but instead points out the lies if that's possible in the age of media consolidation.

Better yet if our politicians actually cared about having something that resembled a free press in America, these media companies that control everything would be split up, and yesterday would not be too soon.
