Thursday, November 25, 2010


It's hard to be thankful this year, with the unemployment, home foreclosures and financial losses middle-class Americans are having to endure, but the rich are whooping it up. Bonuses on Wall Street are going to be fantastic this year!  Opulence is the word of the day for them!  The sky's the limit! One home or yacht isn't enough these days--let's buy two--or three--or four!  While the rest of the country hunkers down, licking their wounds, the 'elite' are partying hearty. 

Middle-class Americans have taken a big hit, and Christmas is not looking very merry for millions of us.  But...what the hell...since the rich are doing so well, we should all be happy!  Right?!!!  And we should vote in more right wingers to further reduce the regulations on fat cats/corporations, so they can increase their profits even more!  Right?!!  And vote in a president like Sarah Palin who will deliver exactly what the fat cats want: more deregulation, lower taxes, and more wars for them to profit on.  Right?!!!  And we should just keep praying that eventually...eventually...eventually...some of the largesse of the rich will...eventally...trickle down.  (Don't let the cobwebs grow on you while you're waiting.)

Try to have a Happy Thanksgiving, remembering that we still have many blessings -- one of them being that Bush and Cheney are no longer in the White House.

