I know, I know -- the blood of every thinking American past 3rd-grade level runs cold at the thought -- Sarah Palin and her Alaskan hillbilly redneck "values" in the White House, running our country, representing us to the world at large. AAAACKKKKK! But the truth is, millions in our country actually admire her because they identify with her. They don't revere higher education; they fear the "intellectuals" and would rather throw in their lot with an abysmally ignorant redneck type with whom they would like to go huntin' and have a beer. The abysmally ignorant George W. Bush was elected by the same people (with the gigantic help of the Supreme Court) who wanted to throw one down with him at their local bar -- even though he was a member of the "elite." After all, he dressed and swaggered around like a cowboy and couldn't speak a straight English sentence --"Gollee, Molly, he's just like us'n!". The Palin/Bush followers don't mind if their heroes are rich beyond anyone's wildest dreams -- they just don't want them to be smart (or black) like Obama.
If your blood hasn't run cold enough yet at the prospect of a Palin presidency, please read the following analysis of the subject by Frank Rich, and learn who is funding Palin and supporting her run. Of course, the Murdochs of the world think they will be able to control her once they get her into office -- but Sarah has proven already that she has a mind of her own (such as it is) and will not be reined in by the masters who put her in a power position (Yoo hoo! Anyone remember John McCain?). With her and the First Dude (Oh God, Please spare us!) at the helm of our ship of state, it will be like giving kindergartners the wheel, so they can steer us over Niagara Falls. We barely managed to survive Cheney and Bush. If their job was to make us a second-rate nation in just 8 years, they definitely accomplished it. If they further wanted to demolish the middle class and make us a nation of the filthy rich and devastated poor, they also achieved that goal. I shudder to think of how quickly a Palin presidency could finish the job of killing us off completely. Read the following and feel your blood freeze...
Could She Reach the Top in 2012? You Betcha'!
By Frank Rich
Monday, November 22, 2010
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» Palin--our next President? OMG, PLEASE spare us THAT!
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