Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Easy as one, two, three

Educating the public on the Affordable Health Care Act is necessary, but Tea Party Republicans who are programmed by Limbaugh and Fox cannot allow truth to penetrate the lies they've been told. 

Here are the simple truths about RomneyCare (aka ObamaCare)
: (1) you can’t be denied coverage for preexisting conditions; (2) no cap, you won’t get cut off or lose your home if you have costly medical bills; (3) reduces the deficit, according to the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office; (4) you can keep children on until age 26; (5) you can keep your own doctor and choose your own coverage from a variety of plans, just like members of Congress.

It’s simple and easy to understand if you haven't bought into a Bubble World preconception based on Fox and Limbaugh lies.
