Friday, July 27, 2012

Al Gore was right: U.S. infrastructure threatened by global warming

Even when it's happening before their very eyes, the nay-saying right wing will continue to deny it.  The same idiots who ridiculed Al Gore and his dire predictions are those who voted for Cheney/Bush and will now vote for Romney, enabling even more obstructionism and do-nothing-ism to continue in government.  They are in denial about global warming and just about everything else.  They concentrate on swatting flies while swallowing camels.  But how to get around these duped Bubble dwellers?  They have no concern for the planet or the struggling families around them and are only concerned for the continued wealth of the 1% while willingly watching the middle class be killed off before their eyes.  They are bamboozled and conned daily by Rush Limbaugh who correctly calls them his "dittoheads." 

What can be said about such naive, foolish people who will let their planet die (and their kids and grandkids, too!) while they waste our precious time and spend their energy on hating the man in the White House because of the color of his skin?  The Tea Party types they elect would rather obstruct any and all measures put forth by Obama than to help turn things around for their country and the world. They send out absurd e-mails objecting to Obama putting his feet up on desks in the White House and send lies about his not saluting the flag at military ceremonies (always lies!) -- and label Obama as "disgusting" when it is their own behavior that is disgusting for the rest of us to observe and put up with.  They seem to be uneducable, and will not allow new information into their rigid mindsets. Most of this type are said to be old white men -- I'm hoping their children and grandchildren are not following in their footsteps and are able to see past the prejudices and bigotry of these old men who will soon be leaving the planet.  Our Mother Earth needs new, cooperative thinking if she and we are to be saved from the guns-and-war mindset of the ultra-conservative right wing obstructionists.


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