Gives all kinds of perception tests -- at no cost. Challenging, interesting and exciting. And even, perhaps, life-changing. (~.~) It was amazing to me to discover what I had missed in the first perception test! I hope you do better than I did. (The test is at: ) I am definitely going to explore more on this site to see all that it offers.
Here's a short description of what you will find on this site:
The materials presented on and in the free Insight Course are designed both to inspire fluidity and to challenge beliefs of the old paradigm. In exploring these rich resources, you may find some of your beliefs about the world challenged. This can be a valuable opportunity for you to examine your viewpoint and use fluid intelligence to revise and expand your beliefs.
Please understand that those involved with presenting this material have no desire to make you believe anything. Yet we are interested in challenging all of us to open to more expanded levels of belief and experience in all aspects of our lives.
The entire website and Insight Course provide an abundance of rich material which challenges us to explore more expansive and integrated ways of living together through stretching beyond our old beliefs and conceptions. They invite us to explore reliable, verifiable information which suggests that the commonly held view of the way things work in the world may be overly simplistic and distorted. We are also encouraged to move toward less secrecy and greater transparency as we work together to support what's best for all who share our world.
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