Saturday, February 27, 2016

Hillary MUST release those speeches

But we know she won't because they will be too damaging. We all know what she told Wall Street: "I've got your back!"  and now she's trying to tell the people the same thing.  Can't have it both ways, Hillary -- and we know which way it will be when and if she gets the Presidency.  The Clintons are known for selling out the people who vote for them -- and making themselves millionaires in the process.  A vote for Bernie is the only way to go, folks!

Hillary Clinton should release the transcripts of her speeches to the Wall Street banks
by Mason | February 27, 2016 - 9:35am

According to the New York Times, Hillary Clinton made $11 million in 2014 and the first quarter of 2015 from 51 speeches she gave to banks, corporations and other interests. Goldman Sachs alone paid her $675,000. She has refused to release transcripts of those speeches.

As Secretary of State, she was the main architect of a U.S. foreign policy focused on making the world safe for investment and exploitation by U.S. banks and corporations. She was and remains a neocon war hawk committed to supporting the neocon goal to gain control of petroleum resources in the Middle East by destabilizing and replacing governments hostile to that goal. See The Project for the New American Century. "We came, we saw, he died," she said of Muammar Gaddafi, after he was deposed and murdered in Libya. Libya, like Iraq, and soon to be in Syria, is a failed state overrun by Islamic jihadists.

No one knows better than Hillary Clinton that our foreign policy is to use the military to make the world 'safe' for U.S. capitalism. That would be the Wall Street investment banks and U.S. corporations.

We have wasted hundreds of billions of dollars pursuing an aggressive and failed policy in the Middle East. Instead of a robust discussion about slashing our military budget in light of our failed foreign policy, our failed wars and our war crimes, Hillary Clinton talks about how we cannot afford single-payer health care and free education, even though citizens in other countries in Europe enjoy those benefits. Of course, they don't spend billions on their military forces.

Touting her 'foreign policy experience,' such as it is, she assures us that 'incremental change' is the only way to go.


Hillary Clinton needs to release those Wall Street transcripts. I want to know what she said to investment bankers eager to know her priorities, her vision of future foreign policy, and the 'lay of the land,' so to speak. Goldman Sachs did not pay her $675,000 to hear war stories.

The New York Times said,

Voters have every right to know what Mrs. Clinton told these groups. In July, her spokesman Nick Merrill said that though most speeches were private, the Clinton operation "always opened speeches when asked to." Transcripts of speeches that have been leaked have been pretty innocuous. By refusing to release them all, especially the bank speeches, Mrs. Clinton fuels speculation about why she's stonewalling.

I do not trust her.

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