Friday, February 12, 2016

Happy Valentine's Day to everyone

Today an e-mail I received reminded me of days gone by. With
Valentine's Day just 2 days away, it seems appropriate to share what
those thoughts and memories led me to. I always loved that old song,
"Try A Little Tenderness" and have often thought if men could know this
little secret about women, marriage and all men/women relationships
could be a lot easier and happier for everyone. (~.~)

Many of you on my list might be too young to remember that song, but I
recall it being played on the radio when I was a young girl. I've often
thought how the words applied to my mom who had only a few cotton
dresses in her wardrobe during all her years on earth, and worked so
hard every day for her family but never complained. Following are the
lyrics as I remembered them. As I thought about it, I wanted to hear
the song again, just the way it was sung all those many years ago. And,
happily, I found it. To hear it performed in a very simple arrangement
by Frank Sinatra, just the way I remember hearing it on the radio all
those many years ago, you can go to: ) Just listening to it
brought tears to my eyes, with the sweet memories it evoked about my mom.

Am sending Happy Valentine's Day wishes to all! When all is said and
done, Love is the most important thing in our lives -- and is the
greatest power on Earth. (~.~)

Here are the lyrics to the song:

She may be weary
Women do get weary
Wearing the same shabby dress
When she is weary
Try a little tenderness

She may be waiting
Just anticipating
Things she may never possess
While she's without them
Try a little tenderness

It's not just sentimental
She has her grief
And her cares
But a word
Soft and gentle
Makes it easier to bear

You won't regret it
Women don't forget it
Love is their whole happiness.
And it's all so easy
Just try a little tenderness.

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