Some naysayers warn it would be a mistake to have two progressives on the ticket together. BUT, for the reasons given in the article below, I think it would be a very smart move. With Elizabeth Warren on the ticket, poised to be the first woman President in 4 or 8 years, the revolution of the people, by the people and for the people will have succeeded. With a Democratic ticket like this, U.S. voters will be cheering in the streets. The message being delivered to the people of this country by Bernie and Elizabeth is one with which everyone can resonate. Their authenticity and honesty (so VERY RARE in politics!) registers with most voters, no matter what their party or political leanings. We are all people who want the best for ourselves and our children. Everyone knows that has not been delivered to us with Big Money ruling and owning the system. When Bernie and Elizabeth recount the crimes of the top 1% perpetrated against the middle class (WE, the people who hold up this great nation), that message resonates. All we have to do is look at Wall Street and the Big Fat Cats riding herd over the rest of us, paying Congress obscene amounts to vote their interests (and against ours!). This great revolution of the people has been brewing for a long time, and it has finally burst out into full bloom. Major changes are called for in the way our nation is run. Those changes will be made with a White House team of Sanders/Warren and a Democratic Congress (which could easily ride in on their coattails).
EXCERPT: If the Sanders campaign team are smart and politically aware, which they have proven to be – propelling the "democratic socialist" from 4% nationally to now just under 37% – they will know that if Bernie were to announce Elizabeth as his running mate, the election would be over within minutes. Bernie and Elizabeth have the capability to unify and electrify the progressive grassroots in anticipation of the Presidential election. The pair would be able to offer a vision for America that would be so unique, so innovative, that the GOP would have no chance of winning over moderate Democrats or left-leaning independents (groups that they need to convert in order to increase the share of the vote they got in 2012 and win the election).
Progressives Rejoice: Elizabeth Warren is Now The Most Likely To Be Bernie Sanders' VP Choice
"If Bernie were to announce Senator Warren as his running mate, the election would be over in minutes."
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As Bernie Sanders surges in the polls, pundits are beginning to ponder – who is he likely to pick as a running-mate if he were to get the Democratic nomination? A couple of weeks ago, the answer would have been complex and difficult to predict. Now, however, it is becoming increasingly likely that, if Bernie Sanders was to beat Hillary Clinton and win the Democratic nomination – he would chose Elizabeth Warren as his Vice-President.
Firstly, the grassroots' desire for the pair of progressives to join forces underneath a unifying ideological banner is both undeniable and influential. Recent elections have proven that the key to winning is not appealing to voters from the opposite party – it is re-invigorating your base, mobilizing them and giving them a reason to vote. Just the mere potential coming together of the two progressives has liberal Democrats and left-leaning independents all over America dreaming again, full of hope and energy.
The campaign know of the universally high favorability ratings which Senator Warren has acquired during her tenure in the political sphere – combined with Sanders' equally strong ones – they are an unstoppable force to which political gravity wouldn't apply.
If the Sanders campaign team are smart and politically aware, which they have proven to be – propelling the "democratic socialist" from 4% nationally to now just under 37% – they will know that if Bernie were to announce Elizabeth as his running mate, the election would be over within minutes. Bernie and Elizabeth have the capability to unify and electrify the progressive grassroots in anticipation of the Presidential election. The pair would be able to offer a vision for America that would be so unique, so innovative, that the GOP would have no chance of winning over moderate Democrats or left-leaning independents (groups that they need to convert in order to increase the share of the vote they got in 2012 and win the election).
Need more proof that the grassroots are crying out for a Sanders-Warren ticket? We conducted a poll recently to derive which candidate the grassroots wanted Senator Warren to endorse and support. The results can be found here, but in simple terms ; 97% of over 3500 people wanted Bernie Sanders to be the beneficiary of the endorsement.
Secondly, Sanders and Warren are ideologically similar – and this counts for a lot when it comes to picking a VP candidate who you want to place your trust in to accurately represent your campaign's political views in the media 24/7. This fantastic comparison between Sanders' policy positions on the issues that matter and Warren's respective ones effectively highlights the undeniable similarities between the two on both economic, foreign and social policy.
As principled people of their word, they have also voted upon the same policy stances they espouse. This summary of their voting records during, this, the 114th congress, derives that Sanders and Warren voted together on 87% of their total votes. What makes this statistic even more remarkable is that Bernie Sanders wasn't a Democrat for the majority of those votes, he was an independent who caucused with the Democrats.
Meanwhile, Senator Warren seems to inherently disagree with former Secetary of State. Hillary Clinton on a whole spectrum of issues, as David Sirota of the International Business Times outlined, "For example, in her 2003 book, Warren slammed Clinton for reversing her previous position as first lady by voting in 2001, as a New York senator, for a bankruptcy bill that ultimately passed in 2005…
Additionally, Warren has been a vocal critic of so-called free trade deals, which create major regulatory protection for intellectual property, patents and copyrights, but often remove such protections for workers, consumers and the environment. Clinton, by contrast, was a key backer of NAFTA and voted for free trade pacts with Oman, Chile and Singapore during her Senate tenure."
An issue by issue comparison of the two female political figures highlights even more policy differences on a variety of issues of importance.
The reason why being ideologically aligned to each other is so integral to a potential Presidential/Vice Presidential candidate partnership is that it enables a party to come together underneath the one banner. We saw in 2008 that a lack of cohesion and connectivity surrounding the thoughts of Presidential candidate John McCain and his running-mate Sarah Palin, partly, cost them the election. If Clinton and Warren were to run together, voters and political spectators would be able to spot a minuscule piece of past conflict between the two candidates, blow it out of proportion and, possibly, cost the Democrats the election. With Bernie Sanders and Warren – there is no possibility of that occurrence.
Finally – we can tell that Senator Warren is now the most likely person to run with Bernie Sanders if he was to win the nomination because of what she, and Sanders himself, have done so far during this campaign. What do I mean by this?
If Senator Warren had any doubt about a possible VP run with Sanders, she would have immediately dispelled the rumors, hype and progressive dreams. But she didn't.
Similarly, when Sanders was asked about whether or not he was considering asking her to be his VP choice he said, "Elizabeth Warren is a very good friend of mine, I have known her for a long time, before she was in the Senate. She is a great US Senator. She has stood up to Wall Street. She has stood up to the Big Money interests. So, she uh, she and I will work together". If Sanders had any reservations he would have immediately publicized them, but he doesn't – he wants Senator Warren to run with him as she is the most suitable candidate to do so.
If ,and it's important we say if, because he hasn't won yet.
If, Senator Sanders wins the Democratic nomination we all know what his next move will be. He will pick up his phone, get on to his "very good friend" Elizabeth and say "let's do this."
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