Saturday, November 26, 2011

Gingrich: A candidate for the "Family Values" party

Does character matter? Republicans will have a chance to decide when choosing their candidate this time around. Of course, that may be difficult. Do any of their many candidates actually have character?

EXCERPT: Gingrich has been fighting the story of his divorce from his first wife (his former high school math teacher) for years -- he allegedly asked for a divorce while she was in the hospital being treated for cancer. Oh, plus he was cheating on her at the time.

It seems especially callous to cheat on and divorce a partner who's sick or suffering, as Gingrich did twice -- he cheated on and divorced wife No. 2 after she was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis -- but it isn't all that uncommon. Women who are diagnosed with cancer or MS are six times more likely to find themselves separated or divorced shortly after their diagnosis than if they were a man, according to a 2009 study.


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