Tuesday, November 15, 2011

This article makes sense to me -- autism increase may be attributable to a number of factors

More studies are finding that the dramatic increase in autism may not be caused by one particular thing which, when identified and eradicated, will bring about a reduction in the cases of autism.  This article points out some practical considerations that seem to me to be leading in the right direction. The vulnerable systems of children in developmental stages must be taken into account.  When trying to protect them from disease with vaccinations, we may sometimes be creating a toxic overload in their ultra-sensitive systems. But not only vaccines may be involved -- multiple other factors may be combining together.  I think this article is important for everyone to read, as research is continued:  http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2011/11/15/vaccines-behind-autism-epidemic.aspx?e_cid=20111115_DNL_art_1

EXCERPT: in the end, it's unlikely that any one vaccine is the culprit. Rather, curbing autism is a matter of taking a closer look at the overall toxic burden of our children, and the sheer number of vaccines given during sensitive moments of their development.

We Must Broaden Our Scope and Address Multiple Co-Factors

Ultimately, focusing on "one cause" does little more than cause confusion when that theoretical cause turns out to be lacking or incorrect. Furthermore, there's a danger of wholly dismissing one potential cause after the other, as each potential cause fails to be proven absolutely causative. As a result, we may end up doing too little, or nothing, to eliminate the various co-factors that might be working in tandem to, ultimately, produce autism.

In addition to the vaccine-related factors just mentioned, there are numerous other potential co-factors that cannot yet be discounted, including:

Genetically modified foods Fluoride over-exposure Environmental toxins of all kinds
Mercury amalgams Processed, denatured foods Electromagnetic fields and "dirty electricity"
Vitamin D deficiency Gut flora dysbiosis  

This is one of the reasons why the NVIC avoids trying to pin any particular vaccine injury on any particular vaccine. Rather the main thrust of their information campaign is to simply question the wisdom of mandating increasing numbers of childhood vaccines in the absence of true knowledge. There are distressing gaps in vaccine safety science that precludes us from understanding the biological high-risk factors that make some individuals more susceptible than others, for example.

The current one-size-fits-all vaccine mandates simply throws too many children under the proverbial bus, because we simply do not know what all these vaccines are doing to individuals with different predispositions, or how different vaccines interact when given in combination.
