Today, there's a pretty much universal cure for cancer. Using personalized gene therapy, there's no longer any reason for people to die from cancer. But whether or not Dr. Burzynski's personalized cancer gene cell therapy is still used past April 12, 2012 may well depend on how many million letters reach Gov. Rick Perry's desk by the end of this year, demanding that Perry fire every member of the Texas Medical Board and replace them with more scientifically-minded physicians before the end of March, 2012.
Read the following article to find out about Dr. Burzysnski and how he is being endlessly harassed and persecuted by the FDA, Big Pharma, and the moneyed interests in our world.
FDA, TX Medical Board Fights To Kill Cancer Cure
Saturday, November 19, 2011
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» Dr. Burzynski, his Cure for Cancer and his Persecution
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