Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Which is the Real Mitt Romney????

To all Republican voters:  Which Mitt Romney are you going to vote for?  The one who is pro-life or the the one who is pro-choice?  The one who believes 47% of Americans are lazy, looking for "unearned" entitlements (like Social Security and Medicare) and "take no personal responsibility for themselves" or the one who says he didn't mean that when he said it and he is really for 100% of the American people?  The one who has proposed a tax cut plan that will cost $5 trillion or the one who denies that he has ever proposed such a plan?  (Romney has proposed a 20 percent cut income taxes along with other tax cuts, and to do that along with vastly increasing the military budget without exploding the deficit he will, at the very least, have to get rid of popular deductions and exemptions that he will not specify, and even then he'll likely have to dramatically cut spending on programs that benefit the less well off.)

Will you vote for the Romney who brought RomneyCare to Massachusetts, and who still claims it as one of his best accomplishments, or the Romney who says ObamaCare (so much like RomneyCare it is its twin) should be abolished because it is so terrible?  I could go on and on; Romney has come down on both sides of so many issues, it's as if he is identical twins with completely opposing views on every imaginable issue.  So if there are 2 Mitt Romneys, which is the real one--the one who will show up as president if elected?  I think it's the far right wing one, but are Republicans willing to take that chance? 

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