Wednesday, October 03, 2012

To Mitt Voters: You'd better be filthy rich and never get sick or old


You can easily find the videotape, or read a transcript of it, on the Internet. But reading it isn't enough; you need to see it; need to see his facial expressions, his tone. Romney officially may be a Mormon, maybe even wears their funny underwear. But this video makes it clear he is really a sneering Social Darwinist.

If you aren't rich, if you haven't made millions, if you need some sort of help from the government of any kind, well, then, you are an inferior specimen and lower life form.

...if you are filthy rich in your own right, if you are sure you'll never get sick or old, or that you and anyone you love will never need any kind of benefits ...

If you are sure that you are superior and can make it under your own terms, like Howard Roark or Jay Gould or Big Jim Fisk ...

You've got a chance to put your dream candidate in the White House. But if you think any president, as Harry Truman once put it, is supposed to be the Washington lobbyist looking out for the vast majority of Americans who can't afford their own lobbyist ...

Good luck if Mittney wins this election.

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