Tuesday, October 23, 2012

I believe this -- you may not

Because I've heard this information from many different sources over the years--sources that have proved credible about other revelations, I do believe we have the technology spoken about in the following article/interview.  Unless you have made a long investigative journey into UFO, MJ12 and black operations matters, you may not believe it -- some of it is so mind-boggingly horrendous, you won't want to believe it. It sounds just like science fiction. Yet much of it has already been proven to be true. Read the article and remember it -- you will be hearing more of this as we move into the future and it is agreed by world governments that the public should be told more truths about what is really happening in our world. For now, our government is allowing people like Gordon Duff to tell us many details, knowing that the caveat they add is still true for the present:
"We'll Let You Publish It.
No One Will Believe It."

EXCERPT: Duff says that if any of this sounds like a movie or TV show you may have seen, it's because many of the details of the MJ12 documents have deliberately been worked into science fiction books, films and TV shows over the past several decades, in order to prepare the human race for the ultimate day of disclosure.

Forbidden Knowledge TV
Alexandra Bruce
October 22, 2012

In one of the most exciting interviews about the alien presence on Earth today, George Noory of Coast to Coast spoke with Gordon Duff, Senior Editor of VeteransToday.com

Among the many mind-blowing statements made by Gordon Duff:

-- There is a group of aliens with bases throughout the floor of Pacific Ocean, with one colony near Catalina Island. They are quite hostile. The November 2010 "Mystery Missile" Snafu was linked to this group and Asian forces filling in for the US Navy, whose resources were all in the Middle East at that time.

-- There are as many as 12 different off-planetary groups interacting with the various governments of our planet.

-- There are many Earth technologies at least a century in advance of what we've been told.

-- We have high-energy weapons within the Upper Atmosphere and in Low-Earth Orbit, with nano-sensors that sense distortions in space-time. These weapons are aimed out towards space.

-- The first interstellar craft built by humans was made in 1972.

-- We currently have seven craft; they're fusion-powered. Their circumference is 1.5 kilometers.

-- Duff has footage of an Earth-built UFO, flying at 300 feet with a surface temperature of 400 degrees Fahrenheit, accelerating in the low atmosphere to 16,000 MPH with no change in temperature. Outside the atmosphere, he was officially told that they can approach light speed.



-- There is an advanced method of power generation, a "dense plasma, hydrogen-boron fusion reactor that produces enough waste electricity out of something the size of a basketball to equal the power produced by nuclear plant -- and it costs about $70,000 to build."

-- The reason this technology is not released is because it would collapse the hydrocarbon economy and there's also a "Malthusian" issue: it would allow all nations endless free electricity, endless purified water, endless industrialization, endless desalinized seawater; that the world population would move from what it is now, generally thought to be 7 billion people within a generation, if we had free energy, we'd reach a population level of 25 billion. To some people, that would be seen as unsustainable.



This interview goes into a fascinating disclosure Duff makes about the infamous "Mystery Missile" which was fired off the coast of Los Angeles on November 8, 2010 (http://www.forbiddenknowledgetv.com/page/685.html).


First, they discuss the history of Duff's website, VeteransToday.com and how it was founded in 2000 by Special Forces as a back channel for Special Forces personnel to be able discuss, off the record their own experiences, since he says many operatives have a "severe need to gossip" -- but they needed to have the ability to speak with each other without letting their high security information leaked.

In 2006, Duff took over the site and determined to make it a more international, giving access to similar clandestine groups in ally nations. In 2010, with the occurrence of "Mystery Missile," many of the international members of Veterans Today had the expertise to determine several things about the rocket.


It was a low-quality rocket compared to those from the US, and the VT group was wondering why the Chinese had done this. They began watching the movements of the Chinese; watching the old Russian submarines in the Gulf of Mexico, the return of the bare bombers on the flights from Moscow to Cuba -- as Duff put it, these international forces were "stretching their legs a bit and we became wary."

The VT team then received reports from the US Navy that what seemed like the entire Chinese Navy was off the coast of San Francisco. The relatively small Chinese Navy was operating with the support of Japanese and South Korean forces.

The US chose not to surveil, let alone engage these Asian vessels, but they did become concerned that there was so much traffic in the waters off the California coast that there could be an accident. Moreover, it was clear that some kind of operation was going on.


Then Duff explained that there are two kinds of technologies on the Earth today, the kind that everybody knows about and the kind that is secret and at least a century in advance of what is generally known by most people.

Duff noted that in his 43 years, serving in positions that were relatively close to the issue of extraterrestrial technologies, perhaps a total 2 hours of that entire time was directly devoted to the issue -- but what he did learn was mind-bending.


In 1982, after 18 months of getting a security clearance to work at an unnamed government agency, he was put on the reader's group for MAJESTIC 12 and he received a slightly redacted original ("Copy #5") 12-page paper produced from a Remington typewriter, dated sometime in 1977 from the Office of Naval Intelligence.

He said he read the documents once and "put them back in the envelope and twisted the string around it and sent them back and found that I could never live, knowing what was on those! And then, years later, Lo! and Behold! Almost everything that was in those documents was later on the plot of the television show, 'X-Files'!" Duff said he was later told that Chris Carter (producer of that hit TV series) had similarly been put on the reading group of MAJESTIC 12.

Duff said the MJ12 documents covered the period between 1947 and 1977 and they indicated that there had been two distinct treaties during that time, although he'd been told there'd been more since.

The first treaty was signed in 1947 with President Truman. The second treaty in 1953 with President Eisenhower was a coercive agreement against the US on the behalf of a hostile alien power that wished to be able to kidnap and butcher a large number of US Citizens.

Duff's impression was that, whereas some documents indicated that there were off-world groups who were monitoring certain human groups because they were physically related to them and they were interested in the genetic development of these groups, the interest of this hostile group was simply to eat human beings (!)

Duff says that if any of this sounds like a movie or TV show you may have seen, it's because many of the details of the MJ12 documents have deliberately been worked into science fiction books, films and TV shows over the past several decades, in order to prepare the human race for the ultimate day of disclosure.


Duff says he's been told there are as many as 12 different off-planetary groups interacting with the various governments of our planet. He laments, "I wish I were making this up!" He then goes on to discuss a group of aliens with bases on the floor of the Pacific Ocean. They are quite hostile -- they could be culturally compared to the aliens depicted in the film, 'Independence Day.' This group notified the US government that they would be bringing in several motherships and that they would be settling in the Pacific Basin. Moreover, one community already existed off of Catalina Island.

Because the US Navy had no ability to respond to this announcement, as it was heavily involved with activities in the Persian Gulf, they called on other world navies, those of Singapore, China, etc. and asked them to "fill-in."

The initial response of the US had been the launch a mach 13+ vehicle mounted with a Tesla-designed energy cannon. Duff notes that most people are unaware that most or all treaties ever signed, to limit the use of weapons in space have been abrogated. He says, "Within orbit, we have many nuclear weapons, the US has a fleet of small fusion-powered, "hunter-killer" satellites, that are designed ostensibly, at a time of war, to destroy enemy satellites, to take down the GPS systems, in order to protect the United States.


"They all, in actuality are aimed outward. We have high-energy weapons that operate on technologies a century beyond what we admit to having, that aim out towards space and within the Upper Atmosphere and in Low-Earth Orbit, we have sensors - theses are nano-sensors - this is as much classified information as I can safely give over the Internet."

When C2C host, George Noory asks him, "Why don't they want people to know about that?" Duff says he can only guess and says that you can look at one unit on the Internet and extrapolate what the issue is. It's a "dense plasma, hydrogen-boron fusion reactor that produces enough waste electricity out of something the size of a basketball to equal the power produced by nuclear plant -- and it costs about $70,000 to build."

Duff says the issue is a Malthusian one. Meaning that if the planet had free, unlimited energy, it would not only cause the collapse of the hydrocarbon industry and the entire economic system and infrastructure that is centered on hydrocarbon fuels -- but it would allow all nations endless free electricity, endless purified water, endless industrialization, endless desalinized seawater; that the world population would move from what it is now, generally thought to be 7 billion people within a generation, if we had free energy, we'd reach a population level of 25 billion. To some people, that would be seen as unsustainable.

Duff says, "You have to realize that if you think there is a secret conspiracy group...that when the aliens come, they're going to join the aliens and watch the rest of us get turned into shishkabobs, that those people, if they exist (and that would be a conspiracy theory) tend to look on the rest of us as 'useless eaters.'"


Duff returns to the topic of the alien invaders of the Pacific Basin. He says that they had decided "In a rather Hitleresque fashion: 'This is all we want.' The unpleasant surprise was that we have the ability to shoot down their vehicles; we have high-energy weapons that make the things that we tell people we have look like a childish joke. And those nano-sensors that we were talking about don't just sense the presence of things, they look for distortions in space and time. The CERN collider discovered the "God Particle," which centers on the beginning of a clear understanding of a Unified Field Theory -- we disproved within recent years the theory of General Relativity -- so, we know that it's possible to operate well outside of the speed of light, that time is in no way an absolute and that inter dimensional travel is something that is far more likely than someone physically moving over distances...

"The question I look at here -- and I can see myself some 20-30 years ago, that you can live seeing these things; have children and grandchildren -- or you can look away, hoping that the other shoe doesn't drop during your lifetime.

"What we do have is a government that has spent trillions of dollars developing weapons systems that are beyond our imagination. But in the process of advancing those technologies, they all -- as with the early Space Program...allowed us to replace most energy sources that we talk about.

"We'll let you publish it. No one will believe it."

"And there are many people who publicly speak about these things but most people who do so are tasked with doing so, in a harmless way -- i.e., in a way that can be easily discredited.

"There's a reason I'm talking here right now and it's not by any means that anyone underrates you or the ability of your network, of course -- I'm dealing with one of the largest and most powerful networks in the world -- but the issue, here is that I'm speaking informally, not under any official capacity.

"I assure you, I received a telephone call today, telling me things I couldn't talk about -- I'll give you the exact limits, here. I was told that I could say the first interstellar craft was built in 1972. I was *told* to say -- and I'm not saying it's true -- but by sufficient authority, I'm capable of saying -- and I'll say don't go believing this...

"When people tell you things, are they telling the truth? We've waited so many years for disclosure -- you know what I'm talking about, George -- and there's no question about whether they could be using me --


"We have seven craft; they're fusion-powered. Their circumference is 1.5 kilometers, one was photographed over Bofan Korean earlier in the year. I have the CIA's full analysis, released by the National Reconnaissance Office of Cosmic Classification.

"The deal made with me was simply this: 'We'll let you publish it. No one will believe it.'

"I have the full analysis in high resolution, done by the National Reconnaissance Office of a real, Earth-built UFO, flying at 300 feet with a surface temperature of 400degree Fahrenheit and it accelerates in the low atmosphere to 16,000 MPH with no change in temperature and outside the atmosphere, what I'm officially told is that they can approach light speed and that would mean, hitting the pedal to the metal and in five seconds, the Moon is tiny in the mirror."


At the end of his interview with George Noory, Duff laments that he was cut off from knowing the ultimate fate of those who fought the alien interlopers of the Pacific Basin. As he says, "We've lost people in wars with UFOs." We spend a lot of time honoring our heroes -- and we have heroes that we don't know about; that we'll never know about. Families that are told that their sons, daughters and husbands had died in traffic accidents or strange aircraft accidents. It's disturbing to the extent that we have a debt to people who've defended us and we'll never know who they are."

For more UFOs/Interdimensional/Ultraterrestrials videos, click here


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