Sunday, September 18, 2011

PAY ATTENTION, FOLKS! GOP Wants Tax Hike on Middle Class--But Not for Millionaires

Let's see, now -- Obama wants to tax the millionaires at the same rate that the middle class is now taxed.  But the Republicans don't want that.  instead, they don't want to raise taxes on the wealthy, but would rather tax the middle class even more.  Gee, sounds like a great plan, doesn't it?--for the rich, that is. 

Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) said on Sunday that House Republicans would oppose President Barack Obama's payroll tax cuts for both employers and employees, arguing that the policy had already failed to provide a sufficient boost to the economy. "It hasn't worked," Ryan said, suggesting the current temporary tax cut should be allowed to expire, which will amount to a 50 percent tax hike on workers making less than $106,000 per year.

He also said that he opposes the president's plan to require millionaires to pay the same tax rate as the middle class. As chairman of the House Budget Committee and the author of a long-term plan that radically alters Medicare and slashes tax rates for the wealthy as well as social spending, Ryan serves as something of an economic spokesman for House Republicans.


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Anonymous said...

Where is the story here, Starwisdom?
What are you talking about?
You don't support taxing the rich but believe that the middleclass should pay the bulk of taxes?