Sunday, September 25, 2011

This article is only for those who want truth about the collapse of the WTC 7 building--and towers

If you are like me, you can't settle for obvious lies, distortions or half-truths about anything.  Do you value truth, no matter where the search for it may take you?  If you do, read this entire article at:    Its arguments and conclusions, based on facts and visual evidence, will definitely get you to thinking, if you have an open mind and an honest desire for truth.

For most of us who observed the fall of WTC building #7, it is really a matter of Groucho Marx's old question:  "Who do you believe? Me (the government) or your lying eyes?"  It's obvious, even to the least educated and trained among us, that the building did not collapse so symmetrically into its own footprint just by accident or simply because there was a small fire in one of the offices.  There are different theories about how the towers and Building 7 came down, with the latest research being that of Dr Judy Wood, a very credible/credentialed scientifically trained engineer, who made a 10-year study of the event and has concluded it was caused by a free electromagnetic energy (Nikola Tesla-type) directed at the buildings. Our government does have this technology, but keeps it fairly secret from the public.  Have you ever heard of HAARP?  Look it up on google. Basic info on it can be found at:  Dr. Wood's impeccable research and step-by-step reasoning can be read on her website at and in her remarkably detailed book entitled Where Did the Towers Go?  Evidence of Directed Free-Energy Technology on 9/11.  There are other opinions of controlled demolition by respected/credentialed experts, such as the Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth movement, which you can read about at:

Whatever the theory of suspected causes, the visual evidence demands that the same conclusion must be reached by all:  the reasons for the fall of the buildings, as put forth by the government, are not true. 
The Why of that is still for us to discover.

Learn more:

EXCERPTS from the above article
The primary argument about WTC 7 really has nothing to do with the temperature at which structured steel loses its integrity, or how hot the fires burned in WTC 7. Rather, it is a question of how did all the support columns for the entire building simultaneously shatter and bring the building down at free-fall acceleration into its own footprint?

Only an IQ-challenged individual would say this could happen from anything other than a deliberately planned demolition job. Even in severe earthquakes, large concrete-and-steel buildings don't fall straight down into their own footprints. To achieve that kind of symmetry requires careful planning and
weeks of preparation where you drill into the columns of the building and plant explosives which are all wired up to a rather complex control board. The detonation sequence also needs to be meticulously calculated so that the 24 inner columns are shattered just moments before the 57 outer columns in order to make sure the building falls into itself rather than "peeling away" and expanding its outer walls as it falls.

Demolitions is a rigorous scientific endeavor, and to achieve the symmetrical collapse of a large concrete-and-steel structure like WTC 7 required strict adherence to understanding explosives, support structures, architectures and the laws of physics. Thus, the people who brought down WTC 7 honor the laws of physics, while those quacks who claim WTC 7 was caused by "office fires" stand in total violation of the laws of physics.

Just in case you want to be really, really sure about WTC 7 actually being a demolitions job, here are two other bits of evidence you'll want to see on this.

The first is the video interview with Larry Silverstein who comes right out and openly admits "they made the decision to pull it." This term -- "pull it" -- is the term used by demolitions teams when they make the decision to bring the building down.

But here's the real gotcha in all this: The BBC, in a live news broadcast, reported the collapse of WTC 7 20 minutes before it happened! How could this happen? They apparently got their time zones mixed up and ended up airing video of a reporter declaring the Saloman Brothers building (WTC 7) had collapsed even while it was standing in the background behind her!

This clearly and obviously indicates prior knowledge that the building was about to be brought down. Watch that video at:

And read an accompanying explanation at:

Videos to watch that reveal more

9/11 Truth: What Happened to Building 7

WTC 7: The Smoking Gun of 9/11

How did WTC 7 fall?

This is an Orange

WTC 7 - Showing shaped charge explosions

WTC 7 Free Fall Collapse