Wednesday, September 28, 2011

To Hell with the Poor! Let Them Die!

Throwing all those kids off welfare felt great — until they turned to crime to survive

We have reason to celebrate this weekend: Michigan is cutting off welfare payments forever to nearly 30,000 poor children!

Good thing. Little bastards are eating too much, and if their growth isn't properly stunted and they are allowed to survive, they'll eventually start breeding too. Yes, I know we should castrate them.

Back in the day, we used to do that to Native American children, or the "feebleminded," as long as they weren't from Texas and didn't have family money. But the liberal do-gooders put a stop to that.

If you are a "liberal do-gooder" who wants to know more about this horrific decision, you can read the rest of the article at:     If you are a Tea Party supporter, you can just pass this one by.  You will definitely agree that these little kids and their "dumb lower-class" parents should be thrown off welfare. You must stay true to those compassionate words of Scrooge:   "Are there no prisons?  Are there no workhouses?"  Oh yes, and there will be plenty more of them to house the parent criminals who will have to resort to robbery to feed their children.


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