Saturday, September 24, 2011

Excellent article -- Do Loved Ones Bid Farewell from beyond the Grave?

Unfortunately, the mocking comments of many readers at the end of the article show the type of consciousness that is prevalent in our society at this time.  Only a few of those readers realize that things like this occur regularly, as there is a very thin veil between this dimension and the afterlife dimension.  A new show on CBS last night actually tells the story of a happening like the ones described in the article.  It's about a neurosurgeon whose dead ex-wife appears to him, just as if she were still in the earthly dimension.  At first, he doesn't realize she had died -- until he hears about her accidental death, which took place before her first visit to him.  The show is called A Gifted Man -- and stars Patrick Wilson.

Unless you have experienced such an occurrence in your own life, you may not be inclined to believe that our loved ones live on after death and, in many cases, can communicate with those they love who are still on the earth.  I did have such an experience -- in fact, a few of them, with visits from my loved ones who had passed on, which has proved to me that there really is no death.  I think, though, that people are beginning to be more accepting about life after death, now that many experiencers are willing to tell their stories.  Hopefully, this will open more minds and hearts to a larger reality than we have been taught to believe by orthodox 'authorities' on this planet.

Read this article -- and judge for yourself whether the people who are relating their own experiences are telling the truth -- or not.

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